POTUS Election Watch: On the Eve of Elections

Day 1,019, 20:05 Published in USA USA by PrincessVictoria

My fellow eAmericans,

Twas the night before elections,
And all through eRep,
Every person was chatting,
even this silly schlep.

Good. I got your attention. Now for a gratuitous cookie shot!

As I write, it is only a few short hours to one of the hottest POTUS elections I've seen in my short time on eRepublik. A good portion of eRep citizens have become very vociferous about their candidates. I'm glad that people have invested time in the e-political process and got their opinions straightened out because it's crucial to know what you stand for (regardless of venue).

I guess this is going to be my version of a coach's pre-game talk with the players.

Tomorrow is a big day for eUSA. The person who you vote into office for has the potential to set the atmosphere for whatever happens over the next month.

I ask of you to read what you can. Not just my articles because I can guarantee you that there's somebody out there that has put a better spin on this than I have. I just want you to be informed of every candidate and look at these people like you were fixing to hire them for a job. Their position is a job in the context of the game. Look at these candidates and ask questions in your mind that you think an interviewer would. Are they capable? Can they handle the stresses of this job? Do they meet my standards? The list of what you could ask yourself goes on.

Ask whatever you like to yourself and make up your mind on who you think is best suited to be POTUS. Your next job is to get out and vote.

To all the candidates: You've already accomplished much to get to this point and I wish you the best of luck tomorrow.

Till next time, my fellow eAmericans!
~ PrincessVictoria