POTUS Election Watch: Necros Xiaoban Edition

Day 1,017, 20:26 Published in USA USA by PrincessVictoria

My fellow eAmericans,

If you’ve been paying attention to the Shout feed lately, you’ve probably heard a player by the name of Necros Xiaoban announcing his intent to run for POTUS. However, this declaration was received with very little enthusiasm by some. In the interest of presenting a balanced, impartial, objective and accurate portrayal of the candidate for the public, I have sought out Mr. Xiaoban for an interview. I ask you to keep offensive comments about any candidate to yourself and to act civil toward one another.

This will be the first in a series of four interviews of potential POTUS candidates.

Why did you choose to run for POTUS?

When I served as Fionia's campaign manager last month, I got to spend a lot of time deep in the nitty-gritty of a POTUS campaign, and I enjoyed it. When no one I personally preferred to serve as President stepped forward with their own campaign, I decided to put my own name forward.

What kind of platform are you running on? Why?

I'm running on a 'fun' campaign. While I treat the position seriously, I also believe how you communicate with the people can have a major impact as to how they respond. President Krems has done a decent job of providing that sort of light hearted banter in his communications, but I believe we need more. I'm very much the kind of guy who's going to try and inject as much humor in the situation as possible.

Tell me how you’ve chosen at least four of your advisors. What do they advise you on, and how did you choose them?

Choosing my advisors was very easy. I put out a call for cabinet applications, and the response was overwhelming. To highlight some of my most preferred advisors, I'd point to Bradley Reala, Angelini, Max MacFarland 2, and Gulden Draak. Bradley and Gulden both have experience as Secretaries of State, and Bradley is also a former POTUS. Angelini has been both Secretary of Defense numerous times, and also was the founding General of the United States Training Corps. Max has certainly been in and out of administrations stretching further back then I've been playing the game, and is the kind of guy who can work all the angles at once.

I've put a strong emphasis on strengthening my cabinet on the military and foreign policy. Not because I don't think I could be an effective diplomat or commander in chief, but because I intend to stack the deck as deeply in America's favor as possible.

A key thing I look for when searching for people to work with is obviously first whether or not they're qualified. Second, I look and ask myself if they could work with me. By and large I'm willing to work with most anyone, but at the same time my own brand of humor can clash with others. I'm not very big on trolling, so I tend to surround myself with people who have a certain sense of honor and dignity about themselves.

Give me an example of a time you were faced with a difficult situation in eUSA politics. How did you handle it?

I cannot avoid discussing my impeachment from the position of Speaker of the House in Congress, so I feel I had best address it.

I came to the position with an extremely unique perspective as to what the role of the Speaker should be. I personally worked to limit my own powers as Speaker as much as possible while still meeting my obligation to Congress as set forth in the Code, and am personally extremely pleased with the results I achieved.

There are many who felt I was simply an inactive, ineffective Speaker, but I think that opinion is governed more by their preconceptions of how a Speaker should behave, than the actual results Congress produced during my tenure. I allowed Congress to set its own agenda and its own priorities, and it took care of what it needed to.

When I believe strongly enough in a thing, I do not compromise on it, even to my own detriment. There were many in Congress who made their disagreement with my style of governance clear, and I think they expected me to make radical changes in how I operated. However, I simply could not and would not change my role to conflict with my own convictions, and ultimately allowed myself to be replaced rather than give in.

To reiterate, I feel the Speaker should not be a powerful executive, nor should Congress attempt to legislate itself into an executive position. A strong President, with a solid cabinet who listens and works with the highly effective military we have is all this nation needs to be effective. Congress' business is ensuring the Executive and military have the funds they need to adequately manage our government, and ensure our continued sovereignty.

How have you changed eAmerica during your political career? Explain the effect of your actions on the people affected.

Of the nearly eight months I have played this game, I spent most of the time in the United States Training Corps, and first and foremost considered myself a soldier of it, a politician a distant second. The time did come when I felt I needed to step outside the military and evaluate what I ultimately hope to achieve with that, though I intend to return to it eventually.

I believe more than anything I have brought the ideals the military instilled in me into everything else I have done. I learned the value of brotherhood, the need to stick together even in hard times. I learned that when people position themselves to cause strife, and are working from within against the interests of all that you have to cut them down, and yield nothing to them. I learned the importance of communication and organization, and have extended those teachings into my work with the United States Workers Party, and hope to continue to strengthen and grow their ability to reach out to each and every member and communicate one on one.

Give me an example of how you’ve worked with people who did not share your philosophy or values.

I make no secret that I despise SEES. All the things that separate SEES from other parties are in my own mind hateful and destructive things that bring harm to the entire nation. That has however done nothing to stop me from admiring and respecting its individual members. Over the course of the months I worked with GF/Necrosis, I came to admire and respect his work ethic and patriotism, in spite of his acerbic nature. I have admired Gulden from afar for his excellence in the media, and I simply could not heap enough praise upon rainy sunday for her seemingly unstoppable attention to detail in her position of Congressional Whip. I can understand that people have their own reasons for the organizations and communities they associate with, and am willing to judge them on their own merit.

Give me at least four references that can discuss your integrity. What would you like to tell me about your integrity?

Bradley Reala, Angelini, Bia Pandora, Fionia.

I am an extremely loyal person who above all else looks out for the friends he holds closest. I will support those I hold to without question, whenever needed, because ultimately it is how those I most admire judge me that matters most.

I am always willing to help out the new players, to patiently guide them and mentor them in the game. I seek to help them form their own opinions, and see the world through their own eyes, and avoid putting my own views upon them. If we raise the younglings to be wise they will choose the right path for themselves.

Do you have any last comments you wish to make?
NX for June 2012 POTUS 😉

I hope you've all enjoyed this interview and encourage you to stay tuned for the next interview. Remember to vote and subscribe!

Till next time, my fellow eAmericans!
~ PrincessVictoria