POTUS Election Watch: Cromstar Edition

Day 1,018, 12:10 Published in USA USA by PrincessVictoria

My fellow eAmericans,

The next interviewee is on the rise as one of the top POTUS candidates. I’ve seen a bunch of advertisements for the interviewee lately. In the interest of presenting a balanced, impartial, objective and accurate portrayal of the candidate for the public, I have sought out Mr. Cromstar for an interview. I ask you to keep offensive comments about any candidate to yourself and to act civil toward one another.

This will be the third in a series of four interviews of potential POTUS candidates.

Why did you choose to run for POTUS
I decided to run for POTUS for a few reasons. I’ve been active in eUS politics since February of 2009...which is a looong time to do anything in eRepublic, believe me. I’ve gotten 16 terms in Congress (including 2.5 months as the Speaker of the House), 5 party president terms, and a lot of time in other positions, including 2 cabinet posts, 3 Congressional committee chairmanships, numerous party positions besides president, and advisor to more than half a dozen Presidents. Right now, the only job I haven’t done is POTUS. I originally wanted to run for POTUS over a year ago, but deferred for my good friend Gaius Julius. I finally got around to decide it was time again, and went for it.

What kind of platform are you running on? Why?
My platform has been put together from what I’ve learned in over a year and a half of studying eUS politics and the New World. While the specifics are all over the place, basically I want to bring fun back to politics and the eUSA , all without losing focus of the serious issues we face. I’ve noticed that this game was more fun back before WWIII...and that since that time, we’ve lost a lot of the fun with people getting bitchy, rage-quitting, and generally being kill-joys for no reason. I want to change that.

Tell me how you’ve chosen at least four of your advisors. What do they advise you on, and how did you choose them?
I’ve met so many people and made so many friends over my nearly-two years in eRep its hard for me to answer this. I know many people I talk to for advice, and I’m always making new friends, and losing old ones. I don’t pick my advisers so much as I found them over time as we interacted during the normal course of running the nation. And I always ask for advice and opinions on EVERYTHING. It’s good to make sure you didn’t overlook something before making a decision.

Give me an example of a time you were faced with a difficult situation in eUSA politics. How did you handle it?
Well, some months ago, when I was Vice-President of the Conservative Party we had an up-and-coming, active member of the party. However, he went hardcore asshole and racist on us, and I was forced to put my foot down and kick him from the active rolls of our party. He then attempted to PTO our party during the PP races...and after failing that, he started another party with a similar name and tried to steal all our members. In the end, we continue to still deal with this individual in the eUSA, having worked together as a nation to defeat him in numerous elections around the world to keep his cheating ways from gaining anything.

How have you changed eAmerica during your political career? Explain the effect of your actions on the people affected.
I like to think I’ve done many things to change the face of eUS politics, even if people don’t realize it. I have continually served as a voice in Congress, doing much to shape the form it takes to this day with my knowledge and experience. My work after my party was PTOed by Hungarians helped establish the APF party, which ultimately led to the end of the AAP and the massive change in the USWP from what it was to what it is now. That’s not all, but it is some of the ways I’ve helped shape America today.

Give me an example of how you’ve worked with people who did not share your philosophy or values.
Well, back in the distant past I was involved in an organization known as RightCon. Alright, I was actually the owner, founder, and chief organizer of RightCon. RightCon was meant to be a response to the USWP-of-the-time’s plan to run 51 candidates for 51 seats in Congress. In my opinion, no party then or now, has ever had 51 candidates fully qualified to be in Congress over those of other parties. However, after the election in which we squared off, me, the RightCon participants, and the USWP people all got along to help the country in the opening days of WWIII.

Give me at least four references that can discuss your integrity. What would you like to tell me about your integrity?
My integrity? Well, I’d like to think there’s no question on my integrity, and I’ve known a lot of people. Sadly, most of them aren’t around anymore (Eugene Harlot among them), but there are some who might still be around. Current Speaker of the House ligtreb, party presidents qubert of the Feds and Fionia of the USWP are good friends of mine. Josh Frost and Jewitt, are just two former POTUSes playing eRep still who can vouch for me. I know of nothing I’ve ever done to make myself suspect in the eUSA, so I feel there’s nothing else to say about my integrity.

Do you have any last comments you wish to make?
Just that I hope anyone else with questions doesn’t hesitate to come forward! As I write this, I’ve managed to earn endorsements from 3 of the top 5 parties in the eUSA, and I look forward to a strong raise against St Krems, who was my mentee when he first joined Congress. Good luck, Krems...see you at the party on election night!

I hope you've all enjoyed this interview and encourage you to stay tuned for the next interview. Remember to vote and subscribe!

Till next time, my fellow eAmericans!
~ PrincessVictoria