POTUS Election Watch: And the next POTUS is...

Day 1,021, 06:50 Published in USA USA by PrincessVictoria

My fellow eAmericans,

The votes are in and the winner is...

St Krems

This was a close one with only six votes between the incumbent and one of the challengers, Cromstar. Cromstar was in the lead with only three hundred or so votes (and I can't remember the others) when I logged off last night. People were declaring Cromstar's victory only six hours ago (at the time I write).

And then BAM! St. Krems comes in for the victory with 407 votes to Cromstar's 401 votes! Support was equal from the supporters of St Krems and Cromstar but this was definitely a surprise!

It's kinda like when the papers ran the results of the 1948 elections a wee bit too early:

The results came in a bit like this:

POTUS Election Results, September 2010
St Krems- 407 votes (37.83😵
Cromstar- 401 votes (37.27😵
Pizza the Hut- 181 votes (16.82😵
Phoenix Quinn- 57 votes (5.30😵
Tiamati.Magick- 30 votes (2.79😵

Good job to all who made it to the POTUS ballot- St Krems, Cromstar, Pizza the Hut, Phoenix Quinn, and Tiamati.Magick!

Congrats to the incumbent President of the eUnited States, St Krems! May you have another successful term as POTUS!

UPDATE: It's been discovered that the drastic change in votes was caused by a massive amount of cheaters who were deleted by admin. I'm sad that most of the eWorld had to get rocked by a scandal like this. I'm also sad that Cromstar and St Krems had to deal with this because from my dealings with both, they are very kind people. All that matters is that the voice of the people has been heard.

Lessons Learned: Play fair or don't play at all.

Till next time, my fellow Americans!
~ PrincessVictoria