Potential number of votes for each candidate in the presidential elections

Day 345, 01:37 Published in Thailand Latvia by SpeedKing

I have compiled several possible scenarios for the presidential election on November the 5th:

Everyone votes
Jack Roberts - 87 votes (all TRP, Sabai Unity, TDP*, Uno Di Noi, Sabai Reform members)
Rockman 9 - 85 votes (all TNT members)
Uncommited poltiicians - 15 votes (all ISCP, TDP*, DPT members)
Other people allowed to vote - less than 181 votes, probably some 70 really can vote, however, many are inactive

This is an unlikely scenario, considering how many people are inactive - this includes both Jack Roberts supporters and Rockman supporters.

Congress election voters vote
Jack Roberts - 44 votes (all TRP, Sabai Unity, TDP* voters)
Rockman 9 - 21 vote (all TNT voters)
Uncommited voters - 1 vote (all ISCP voters)

This is showing more realistic results, however, this might change if Rockman gathers more voters. Other parties could also change in activity.

Congresspeople vote
Rockman 9 - 21 vote (all TNT congresspeople)
Jack Roberts - 18 votes (all TRP, Sabai Unity, TDP* congresspeople)
Uncommited voters - 1 vote (all ISCP congresspeople)

Thank God, we don't have to pay twice for the same bug. This would most likely mean another month of bad leadership, blackmail and Napoleon complex.

It seems Jack Roberts is the favorite for the elections, however, we all must be unite and we can't start celebrating before the election.

*TDP stands both for Thailand Defence Party and Thailand Democratic Party.