Post ePOTUS Election Reaction

Day 2,087, 12:06 Published in USA USA by eCenk Uygur
Backround Music

I don't know if this election counts as one with two Unity candidates, three, or whatever the number is. But one thing was made extremely clear through this last election. Seems we got the PTO threat well under control for the time being. I put this picture in my first ever article, Month One: Da Newb Report, but it seems much more appropriate here, right now.

So speak up, son!!

Firstly, congrats to Oblige! Good luck with your ePresidency, I got a lot of confidence you're going to keep us moving in the right direction.

The particularly serene music in this article just fully captures the euphoric feeling I got going right now. Granted, I've still only been around two months, but this was my third ePOTUS election. Last two were very strange, heavily focused on PTO threats imo and this one was just special. All the campaigning, the debates, the array of quality candidates. Before I move any further, shout out to HeapSeppo. I thought his campaign was great and I think he should have gotten more love in the polls than he did.

Let's get into the election itself.

Oblige: 728 votes (47.43😵
NewAzazel: 531 votes (34.59😵
HeapSeppo: 207 votes (13.49😵
Derphoof: 69 votes (4.50😵

Should be noted, I know Derp wasn't really running, but his name is there. People voted for him. So, I feel obligated to list him. The PTO candidate who's name escaped me finished in what would have been third. I forget dude's name right now, but he had around 250 votes last I checked. He obviously pulled out before the election finished.

But it's appropriate you don't see him on this list. Makes my job easier for the point I want to make. In total, 1535 votes were cast. If you subtract the votes from the PTO candidates in the last two ePOTUS elections, voter turnout improved.

In July, that number would be 1396. In June, 1503. Going back to May and April, the voter turnout (subtracting PTO candidate) was 1782 and 1707 respectively. So nothing historical was necessarily accomplished in that regard, but if you want to be an optimist, you have the last two months to look back on. Progress has irrefutably been made.

I think it's great like this. Open elections calls for competition. A comparison of ideas with multiple people involved. The feeling I personally got from the first two ePOTUS elections were "Vote for me, or we're all kind of screwed". That's just not fun.

So, there's a lot to look forward to in the future if this trend continues, but we'll all be watching to see how everything plays out. Heap, if you're up to running next month as well, I definitely think you should.

And that's going to conclude my reaction article to this last ePOTUS election. I'm obviously very happy with the outcome and how it went down. Here's to it staying that way.

Real quick before the usual sign off, I have a few interviews I have planned and a couple of topics I want to touch on as well. On top of there's only so much time in the day, it'd be counter productive to put an article out every day or something. I'd barely get anyone to look at them.

But 'til next time eUSA. Thank you for your time and have a good one!

(Shamelessly stole this from Alastor DoUrden, check his newspaper out. Great content. Especially if you're in WTP: