Post-Election Wrap-up

Day 1,061, 22:17 Published in South Korea South Korea by Sirius Padfoot Black

After the recent elections, I would like to thank all of you who voted. Your participation helps maintain a democracy. I'm sure the sun king would smile at you'd contributions.

Now, as of recently, I sit at the control of a small political party. Unfortunately, I am out of town this weekend, and have limited access. In fact I'm writing this article with a friends iPad and hotel wifi. However when I return on monday I hope to kick things into high gear. I want to start getting the people involved in working hand in hand with their neighbors. 

Currently this party has a very small member list, so the inflow of opinions is somewhat slow. I'd like open up our doors though. I'd like for anyone wanting to get into politics or who wants to vocalize themselves to join. The more voices the better. I want to give everyone a chance. And with congress elections coming up, nows your chance. 

None the less, regardless of how many members we have, I'd like to organize our progress. Creating and maintaing a sub forum for the party is a good way for us to communicate. I'd also like to be available for anyone. I intend to be on the IRC as much as possible. And I think knowing our party members is important as well. Feel free to message me, I'd love to talk. 

Thank you to those who voted for me, thanks to those who voted, and thanks for those who ran, for our election couldn't have happened without you.  Now, I hope that I have interested you enough to join our party. Now have a nice day and may the sun king illuminate your burning spirit.