Post Battle News

Day 515, 11:48 Published in Israel Israel by BuzzyTheCat

Hello Israel,

Today I feel like a proud papa. In the recent battle between Romania and Ukraine Israel got her first taste of battle. The IDF, which is a purely defensive force was not activated but soldiers were allowed to fight on their own time and their own dime. Despite the IDF not entering the battle on an official basis Israel made a very very strong showing. Below you will find the average damage done per country.

#1 Sweden – 42.01
#2 ISRAEL – 39.72
#3 Romania – 28.95
#4 Spain – 28.04
#5 Canada – 24.64
#6 Croatia – 23.16
#7 USA – 21.62

Yes my friends, Israel, despite being such a young country and despite not having her military activated in an official capacity managed to do the second highest damage per fight of all countries involved. Now THAT is an achievement to be proud of.

Now, as I said, the IDF was not officially activated, but soldiers were encouraged to use the opportunity to gain experience and rank. Some of those soldiers stood out, and I would like to commend them for their initiative. The following soldiers gained rank during the battle…

These soldiers became Lieutenants during the battle

Meanie Ferret Man
Thomas The Great

These soldiers became Corporals during the battle


These soldiers became Sergeants during the battle

Yoel Ben Shalom

I would like to congratulate those soldiers who took the opportunity to better themselves by gaining experience and rank. By bettering themselves, they have contributed to the overall strength of the IDF and Israel.

Have a great day my friends,