Population Statistics 22nd August - 0 Health? Don't worry you won't die.

Day 1,006, 15:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

UPDATE! Special Doomsday Article I wrote on the 23rd http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/1495967/1/20

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats! I continue to struggle without any API data this week. I apologize in advance to my readers and I am trying my best to try to get some updated data. At the moment it’s a waiting game for that. 🙁

For new readers of my article

I have gathered the latest figures on the population. The population shown below are from Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.

I also have another article series running that focuses on the population statistics of one country at the time. Click the links below to view them.



Link to full table!

Click This table to see a bigger version of it.

Summary of the week

This week we saw erepublik reach the 1000 day mark; First of all I want to say congratulations to the admin team for keeping the game running for 1000 days, I just hope there are less bugs in the future.

In other news we have had some major battles this week. I’ll try and cover the major battlefields here (Please tell me if I’ve missed anything out!)

Where better to start than the eUK. Last week Canada realized that the new Version 2 military module meant that they could use their major timezone difference over the UK as an advantage and attack at 4am in the morning UK time whilst in their prime time. Great for Canada as they are guaranteed victory even against a set of strong MPPs, bad for the UK as they have been reduced to only (at the time of writing this) 5 regions. France has come in to help push back the Canadians and now that the UK is attacking back in its prime time it is able to regain what it has lost. There is still a long way to go though and anything could happen. The eUK will have a new CP in a few hours and I hope that they can continue to regain all of the original regions + Vestlandet. Canada has spent a lot of gold so far and not much has been achieved apart from a few medium resource regions and Wales.

Moving on and Russia seems to be another victim of this time zone problem. USA sneak attacked Far Eastern Russia and has managed to move up into Western Siberia (one of the best regions in the game) with North Korea region swapping behind them. This has been done to swap those regions over to Poland/Canada. Russia/Serbia do not have an open war with North Korea anymore. The loss of three important regions is a massive blow to Russia. This is Just another reason why the war module seems to favour countries in odd timezones. 🙁

Bulgaria managed to get High Grain this week taking it from Bosnia with the help of Serbia. Congratulations on your high grain Bulgaria!

Now to my main Story. If you’ve been a reader of my articles over the last few weeks you would have recalled me speaking of a so called “Doomsday”. This is the day where everyone who gained 100 wellness at the start of Version 2 should die if they had no food in their inventory. First of all I predicted the 11th August. I then found out that there was an error in my calculations and the actual date of doomsday was the 21st August. Well. Today is the 22nd August and we have not seen a significant drop in citizens. I have checked my data…I am not wrong this time. Upon checking a random citizen I have on my doomsday list ingame I came across what I can only hope is a bug and not the admins being sneaky. Have a look here. His wellness is 0, it has been for the last two days…however the citizen is not dead! Is this a new immortality feature? Or are the admins stopping people dying as they do not want the citizen count to show a significant drop in 1 day. I hope it is a bug…otherwise it’s just sad that they can’t admit that a lot of people didn’t like V2.

Final Newstory of the week. I managed to gain 1000 subscribers! I wrote an article on my 2nd newspaper here. Thanks for all of the support and I hope to continue writing in the future. I may have to reduce the frequency of these articles in the next few months as I am very busy but I do not plan to stop completely. 🙂

(I also got re-elected as TUP PP by the way. \o/)


The winner this week is USA. I was wary of choosing USA as a winner this week because of the way the managed to gain regions. I’ve heard that some bugs were involved…along with some sneaky tactics. Nether the less. Congratulations on being the winner this week. As mentioned above in my news roundup; USA managed to take three important Russian regions this week by attacking at their prime time. And catch Russia offguard. The resources from these regions will benefit USA/EDEN and will damage Phoenix who have a lot of companies in these regions. We’ll see how things progress but I can imagine that Russia will be back to full power soon enough. To the stats and we see that USA gained 3188 citizens this week moving up 2 places to be 4th. The growth rate this week was 17.68%. Congrats.


Once again. Wary of choosing Russia as the Loser this week because of the situation that they were in. It was a choice between Russia and the UK for Loser this week but I think that Russia lost more citizens/high resource regions therefore were the better candidate for the loser title. As I’ve explained Russia were attacked by USA. At the beginning of V2 Russia managed used it’s open MPPs to attack and successfully get to California. Now USA is returning the favour and hitting Russia where it hurts. Russia lost 5263 citizens moving down 4 ranks to be 9th. The contraction rate was 27.32

Upcoming Country

Welcome to a section of my article called “Upcoming Country”. In this section I will be looking at one country that has performed decently in the week according to the graph and I will try to give explanation why they have done well.

This week I have chosen Bulgaria as the upcoming country this week. Bulgaria are one of the many countries not to hold home regions with High resources. This means that their economy is usually not in the best of shape with many of the high skilled harvesters working in different countries. This week Bulgaria coordinated with Serbia to take a Bosnian High grain region. Bosnia is currently PTO’d by Serbia so it was very easy for them to take the region. Though I’m not the biggest fan of PTOs I want to say congratulations to Bulgaria for gaining a high resource region which will greatly boost your economy.


As you can see from this graph the top 20 countries are shown. Using this graph you can clearly identify where the biggest changes are.

Serbia – Lost Bosnian Regions
USA – Gained Russian Regions
Argentina – Multis! 🙁
Russia – Lost regions
Bulgaria – gained High grain
Romania – Lost regions to Moldova
China – Gained Far Eastern Russia
Canada – Gained UK regions

UK – Lost regions to Canada
North Korea – Gained Russian Regions
Ireland – Gained regions from UK

Moldova – Gained regions back from Romania

No API citizens list means no active citizens table guys! I am sorry  It will be back someday. :/

Other Notes

- The gap between the top two is about 13,000 citizens. This has changed slightly because Serbia gave regions to Bulgaria.

- USA, Ireland, North Korea, Argentina, China, Canada and Bulgaria gained over 1000 citizens this week. Congrats! Lots of countries!

- Serbia, Russia, UK and Romania lost over 1000 citizens this week.

Quick Stats

These links direct to other tables, each of these tables show the top 5 of each category. 🙂

Biggest Population Change

Highest Growth and Contraction


Congrats to Toxic Hunter for winning last weeks contest. Please contact me for your prize. I used a random number generator to get the result.

As always be sure to Vote, Comment and Subscribe to this newspaper! A comment will give you a chance to win a Prize next week! If you're really cool you'd shout this newspaper out so I get more votes and comments!