Population Statistics 1st August - A week full of high resources and PTOs

Day 985, 06:22 Published in Serbia United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats! I have decided to post this edition in Serbia to try and reach a bigger audience. This article is only in English at the moment but if there is demand I will try and find a way to translate it into Serbian.

For new readers of my article

I have used CCCP + Kumnaa to get the latest figures on the population. Kumnaa is awesome. His profile is here so go subscribe to his newspaper or if you’re feeling generous donate to him for his awesome work on cool tools. The population shown below are from Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.

I also have another article series running that focuses on the population statistics of one country at the time. Click the links below to view them.


I am waiting until the 15th August before I write anymore of these articles because of the inaccuracies that come with the Admins giving everyone 100 wellness


Link to full table!

Click This table to see a bigger version of it.

Summary of the week

This week was a calmer week in regards to the war module. Everyone was very anxious to start Version 2 with a big battle victory and it has died down..for now.

One talking point of the week is the Norway situation. With Norway PTO’d the UK and Russia have been sharing all of the regions apart from one (which they will leave to keep the Norway war open if it is needed later). This benefits the UK as it offers an extra layer guarding “Vestlandet/Vahalla” and it also benefits Russia as it gives them a few regions in Western Europe whilst not held back by Finland. It is unknown what Russia will do next but I imagine we will find out soon enough. Another thing that involves the UK was the Ireland incident. The UK attacked Ireland and Dublin (whilst Ireland had no MPPs) to try and get it’s Northern Ireland original region back. This was a success and resulted in a UK that was whole again. However, more interestingly the Irish President was impeached during this battle and decided to attack three UK original regions thus opening up the UK’s MPPs. This should be a fun future for the UK as they can really destroy Ireland.

Another talking point this week has been the Mexico war. Earlier this week Brazil declared war to Italy so that they could attack the non original Italian regions that Italy had taken from Mexico. Italy recently sold out its friend from Phoenix and Entete to get some cheap high oil by helping Spain. The benefits of this deal wee only temporary as Brazil successfully took the region off of Italy with them Resistance warring the other region to block Brazil from Spain. To try and get Spain out of Mexico a war declaration was made by Mexico against Brazil so that the two could land swap brazil and get rid of Spain. This battle is still ongoing with both sides having a few MPPs active so anything could happen.

India also got back Karnakata from the eUSA this week after the rent period ended. This is the first time in months that India has had all of their original regions. It also makes it more interesting. Will the side with Phoenix or with EDEN?

The one last talking point of this week has to be what has happened over the last two days. Hungary was attacked by Austria in a land swap so that Austria could use its open war with Ukraine to get Hungary to attack the High Iron region currently held by Romania. Poland and Romania have stepped in to try and thwart this attempt but with MPPs activated against Hungary it is unlikely they can be stopped. Watch out over the next few days because though Hungary hold the MPP advantage; Romania will not want to give it up without a decent fight.

One more note yesterday was my ebirthday! \o./

Winner (Image coming soon! I just wanted to get this article out asap)

The winner this week for a more unusual reason this week is India. India are one of the only countries in the eWorld to have a natural high iron region. In the past this has meant they have been the subject of takeovers and invasions. In most recent times the eUSA have been renting this high iron region “Karnataka” from India ever since they took it from Indonesia. The rental agreement ended this week and a Resistance war was started by the US government and won easily. High Iron brings both benefits and drawbacks to countries such as India. Although the economic implications will almost certainly be positive; they will most likely suffer an increased chance of getting PTO’d by both sides. It is still uncertain who India will side with (if they actually side with anyone) but it will be very interesting to watch them hold onto their high iron. Now to the stats and India gained 1507 citizens this week (most of these are dying Americans) moving up 8 places to be 27th. They also had a growth rate of 108.34%! Congrats India on being the winner in my article this week!


The Loser this week is unfortunately Norway. As many of you will know over the past few weeks the situation in Norway has been developing and as I write this they are down to their last region. A recap of current events: Original president ragequit and removed all MPPs by attacking Sweden. The UK took the high oil region of Vestlandet whilst that president was getting impeached. Norway’s next president attacked original UK and Russian regions to activated their MPPs and was later banned, leaving Norway with no president. Russia and the UK decided to split up Norway and share the spoils. During this process Norway is left with a PTO’d congress and with no help from EDEN in sight it looks very worrying for the little nation. Norway lost 768 citizens moving down 15 places to be 59th on the list. This is a contraction of 81.88%. Unlucky Norway and good luck in the next few weeks.

Upcoming Country

Welcome to a section of my article called “Upcoming Country”. In this section I will be looking at one country that has performed decently in the week according to the graph and I will try to give explanation why they have done well.

This week I have chosen France as the upcoming country this week. France have been one of the countries to heavily feature in previous articles of mine due to the Polish + Spanish War and mini baby booms. However this week it has become apparent that France may be experiencing another baby boom. Since Tuesday France have gained around 1000 new citizens. I am aware however, that France suffered a small attempt at a PTO in the congress elections last week. This could contribute to some of the increase in citizens but not the majority of them which is encouraging. I will be keeping a close eye on France over the next few weeks as this baby boom develops and I hope that it is a successful one. Now to the stats and France gained 1019 citizens moving up 2 places to be 13th. They had a growth rate of 11.39%


As you can see from this graph the top 20 countries are shown. Using this graph you can clearly identify where the biggest changes are.

Sweden – gained back regions from Norway
India – Gained Karnakata
Croatia – PTOers/People moving back

Norway – Lost regions to UK/Russia/Sweden

Active Citizens

This week I have used CCCP to get active citizens. As I now can filter the wellness levels a lot easier I have changed this section to people who are on 40+ wellness and employed. The list was not updated this week but it should be updated by next week. For this week I have kept the same active percentage of each country to show an estimate of our active citizens this week.

Other Notes

- the gap between the top two is 12,000 citizens. I haven’t had the time to check how each country will be affected by the doomsday death but I think when I last checked Poland they had about 15,000 citizens that were going to die. This is a huge figure.

- India, France and Brazil gained over 1000 citizens this week. Congrats!

- No one lost over 1000 citizens this week. Wow!

- It is now August and that means it’s not far off until we see our big decrease in population. As I haven’t got an updated list of citizens this week I can’t update you on official numbers, but we’ll see in it happen in about a week or two.

- Overall this week the new world gained 12606 citizens with a growth of 3.84%. Slightly different to last week but I am not completely convinced it is all good news. I have seen a lot of multi accounts in different countries this week.

Phoenix Versus EDEN

This section in my article look as the member count of each alliance, with both official and unofficial members included. Analysis of this is shown below.

These tables show the different countries in the two major Alliances Phoenix and EDEN. From this you can see that:

The differences in populations have reduced. This is because China officially joined EDEN this week. China were originally in the “Mutual allies” area of this list but now have moved to official allys. This can be seen as a huge benefit to EDEN having a strong country officially join their ranks.

Quick Stats

These links direct to other tables, each of these tables show the top 5 of each category. With no one losing citizens this week “Loss” and “Contraction” are not shown.

Biggest Population Change

Highest Growth and Contraction

Highest Active Citizens Count and Percentage

Timeline Graphs

This week we see that citizen count is still increasing but the active citizen count isn’t growing as rapidly. I’ve seen a lot of Multi accounts this week which is also worrying.

Alliance Graph

eWorld Graph


Congrats to Maddog Jones for winning last weeks contest. I will contact you shortly. I used a random number generator to get the result.

As always be sure to Vote, Comment and Subscribe to this newspaper! A comment will give you a chance to win a Prize next week! If you're really cool you'd shout this newspaper out so I get more votes and comments!
