Population Statistics 18th July - New tools and a Doomsday

Day 971, 11:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats!
This week I continued to struggle to find some up to date information because the majority of tools are still not compatible with V2. I have however been able to find one tool that has been very helpful; this week I have used CCCP + Kumnaa to get the latest figures on the population. Kumnaa is awesome. His profile is here so go subscribe to his newspaper or if you’re feeling generous donate to him for his awesome work on cool tools. 😃

For new readers of my article

I have used Erepublik + CCCP tools to get accurate stats. The population shown below are from Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.

I also have another article series running that focuses on the population statistics of one country at the time. Click the links below to view them.

eSpain (Coming Soon)
eChina (Coming Soon)

Requests (comment below with a country and I’ll try to write an article focusing on them.)


Link to full table!

Click This table to see a bigger version of it.

Summary of the week

This week continues to be a very quiet week in the erepublik world. We have no war therefore not many significant changes can be seen. The war module gets going on day 972 so by next week’s edition we will see some big changes hopefully as the two big alliances test the capabilities of the new module.

As I mentioned in my last article we saw that no one was dying because of the 100 wellness gain that the admins gave to everyone alive when we switched over to version 2. This means that everyone who was in the process of dying got moved back to 100 wellness. This now means that we will see a significant drop in citizens in a few days. I have predicted that the 11th August will be that date however I may be a day or two out.

The reason above means we cannot see how many people have “rage quit” version 2 but we might start seeing people die as early as next week.

It has been very quiet on the alliance front this week with no war; but each eCountry is trying to get to grips with the new economic module. It is clearly evident that every government is struggling at the moment but I imagine stability will start to take place when the war module opens up (This means weapons will be sold which means more money in taxes for governments)

Oh yeah, just thought I’d put here that I was elected Party President of The Unity Party. \o/


It has been difficult this week to decide a winner and a loser but ultimately I have chosen Spain to be this week’s winner. With no death and a higher recruitment rate than average Spain managed to do very well this week in the table, gaining 1650 citizens staying in that elusive 3rd place behind the two supposed giants Serbia and Poland. Spain’s growth rate this week was 8.23% which gives them the second highest growth in the top 10 this week. If we look back in time we can see that Spain has always had a higher than average recruitment rate (usually getting between 150-300) a day once peaking at 30,000 citizens in the new world now sitting at 21702 which is still very good. With the loss of both their high wood regions in France a few weeks ago Spain’s population reduced significantly before finally stabilizing as many of the Polish who were living under Spain in Rhone alps went home. Congratulations to Spain for being the winner this week!


The loser this week is unfortunately Slovenia. This is the first time in my population stats that someone has gained citizens and has been deemed the “loser”. The reason I chose Slovenia is because they only managed to increase by 86 citizens this week. With no death in the eWorld that is a very low figure and could be very problematic if this recruitment rate continues like this. With the big august 11th death arriving soon it could cause Slovenia to have a big decrease soon. Slovenia in the past have had a small baby boom after getting attacked by Croatia, this lead them to get all of their country back with the help of Phoenix. Slovenia also a few months ago used Austria to land swap over to Germany to take one of its extra high grain regions. This served as a big boost to their economy and helped feed the babies. The actual baby boom has stopped now but Slovenia currently has 2 Croatian regions which is an accomplishment. Back to the stats Slovenia dropped 2 places to be 20th this week only managing a 1.56% growth. Unlucky Slovenia hopefully you can gain a few more citizens next week and not be the loser. 🙂

Upcoming Country

Welcome to a section of my article called “Upcoming Country”. In this section I will be looking at one country that has performed decently in the week according to the graph and I will try to give explanation why they have done well.
This week it was difficult to choose an upcoming country but eventually I made my decision. Brazil can be considered one of the best countries in the eWorld for recruitment considering a few months ago they were able to reach incredible figures of 2,000 new citizens a day. However, since then they have been going through a massive decline with a big segment of those new citizens dying. However, during this week Brazil gained 1356 citizens which is only second to Spain. It looks as if Brazil could be less affected by August 11th with so many new babies being born at the moment. Brazil also moved up one place to be 6th, still not near the 2nd place they were a few months ago but it looks as if their population has stabilized since I last spoke about them.


As you can see from this graph the top 20 countries are shown. Using this graph you can clearly identify where the biggest changes are. With no dead citizens this week I have decided not to do any commentary as the reason everyone has increased is because of no death.

Active Citizens

This week I have used CCCP to get active citizens. As I now can filter the wellness levels a lot easier I have changed this section to people who are on 70+ wellness and employed. As I’m changing the wellness criteria expect a big change. Also be wary that some people are out of a job at the moment. V2 really did screw up my population stats eh? 😑

Other Notes

- Poland gained 600 citizens more than Serbia this week thus increasing the gap between rank 1 and 2 to over 6000 citizens. Who knows how these two will be affected by August 11th!

- Brazil and Spain gained over 1000 citizens this week. Congrats!

- Five countries lost over 1000 citizens this week. These are Serbia, Latvia, Brazil, Italy and the USA.
- There are currently at the time of writing 28,819 people who are going to die on August 11th. They are currently on 62 wellness each. This is nearly 10% of erepublik.
- 19507 people stand to die before that if wellness does not improve.

- Overall this week the new world gained 13563 citizens (about 5000 more than last week with a growth of 4.36%. Once again this is due to no one dying, though it’s nice to see a big increase in the new world again.

Phoenix Versus EDEN

This section in my article look as the member count of each alliance, with both official and unofficial members included. Analysis of this is shown below.

These tables show the different countries in the two major Alliances Phoenix and EDEN. From this you can see that:

- No battles means that significant increases or decreases did not happen this week
- The only changes were because of better recruitment rate of some countries (such as Spain) are better.

Quick Stats

These links direct to other tables, each of these tables show the top 5 of each category. With no one losing citizens this week “Loss” and “Contraction” are not shown.

Biggest Population Change

Highest Growth and Contraction

Highest Active Citizens Count and Percentage

Timeline Graphs

With no war the Alliance graph has no significant shake ups. We will surely see some changes next week though when the war module comes back. With no one dying yet the eWorld Graph increased. Since V2 we have had an increase of over 20,000 citizens!

Alliance Graph

eWorld Graph


Congrats to Daniecox for winning last weeks contest. I will send you your Weapon shortly. I used a random number generator to get the result.

As always be sure to Vote, Comment and Subscribe to this newspaper! A comment will give you a chance to win a Weapon next week! If you're really cool you'd shout this newspaper out so I get more votes and comments!
