Population Decree 1

Day 872, 05:53 Published in Czech Republic Israel by Aldameldo

Ministerial Decree No.1

a. Administrative Regulations
b. Cooperation Proposals
c. Other Proposals

Administrative Regulations
The Ministry of Population is going to be run by the Administrative Council. The Minister will be presiding over its meetings.
The Administrative Council's members will be 8 members with the Minister included in the sum.
I create the Secretariat of New Players based on the greek model. Our Secretary of New Players will be in charge of welcoming the new players, assisting them in whatever they do, and giving them the guidelines to work for the State.
Two czech-speaking members of the Administrative Council will work for the special Language and Translation Sector, which will be responsible for translating the Ministrial Decrees, and for other duties the Ministry's activity may require.
The Ministry's "employees" will not only be members of CSP.
So everyone who wants to participate in the Ministry of Populations' agencies, should immediately PM me.

Cooperation Proposals
The Ministry of Populations is officially proposing the cooperation with two other czech ministries over population affairs.
I firstly propose collaboration with the Ministry of Defense concerning the creation of military academies for newbies on the model of Russia's VLKSM, DOSAAF etc. projects. That will help our newbies' military career.
I also propose to the Minister of Industry cooperation about the development of state owned companies and communes. It would be great if we could make these companies the most prevalent and rich enterprises in the country with the help of all the czech citizens.

Other Proposals
A new Welcoming Message can be introduced, that will propose newbies to work for the State and the communes. Furthermore, The new Message should contain the name of the Minister of Population, and the Secretary of New Players.
I also proclaim a new campaign for a baby boom in the Czech Republic.
The Ministry will also need some gold for ads that will advertise our country abroad.

Minister of Population of the Czech Republic

The Ministry does now have its own newspaper. Visit it at http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/czech-population-229930/1