
Day 522, 18:25 Published in USA USA by The Elias

As a disclaimer, It doesn't seem like this breaks any of the rules(after wondering about it whilst looking over them or like, 2 days). Enjoy, subscribe to my newspaper, give me ideas, and have fun! I wrote this periodically on another social networking website a while ago, and although it seems like it's hit a dead end and I can't get any more ideas, I can resort to readers, so give me ideas, and they shalt be posted.

I've been yearning to create a blog for "Things to think about that I've thought about" forever, but that title is too much of a mouthful, and so I decided on the fun word "Ponderisms". This also has become a place for me to complain, so enjoy.

Here I will give you either something simple I've thought about that most don't notice, or something abstract, maybe even bombard your own thoughts with logic!!!

As a disclaimer, I'm just writing down thoughts, and this is probably going to be a really sucky read for you.

An antidote is something to cure something, but ,a ..http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/dote>Dote, is when you express love to something or well the link will explain. It's kinda ironic really. Anti- showing love potion.

This next idea is something that I've put a lot of thinking time into, and uh, stuff.

"God" - This idea that there's some kind of intellegent design.

I don't personally believe in the statement that "God is his own entity", but I in way believe in "God", just not the way you expect.

God is said to be "The Grand Planner"(Construction worker now?) or "The Father", ETC; Which I disbelieve fullheartedy. I think that God is more of what the owner of this "God" entity decides. When you're "praying"(talking to yourself) you're looking for an answer WITHIN your own mind.

The reason I bad such a disbelief in God is for some of the following reasons:

If we're made in the image of God, then how come there is evil in the world(Probably more than "good"), and who decides what's evil or good. Is this God a prostitute...really?

Back when Christianity was young the Popes, and Priests would exploit the believers ignorance by telling them lies, or something so that they could get personal gain.

When people say "I love you" after a week of dating.

Welcome to your hormones fellow Teenage people(maybe adults too, who knows). You're being pushed into believing you have strong feelings for someone you could potentially hate, and barely know! I might expand on this later...

In texting people are too lazy to type out "love" instead they type "luv" which totally eradicates the meaning of the intended word. If you love someone enough to even say it, then they deserve it in the words entirety, and not some false idol of the word. Once again, if you mean the word, you should use at the most advantageous rate you can.

How can someone not be a "material person", and when they try to justify themselves with "love", guess what? That's material too! Electronic stuffz in yo brainz makes you do stuffz. Which begs a question to me, do we have a choice?

Talking about the electronic pulses in your brain, don't you think it'd be possible to program someone? You just find out what the person experiences when they see, hear, touch, smell, or taste, and then send those pulses, and it could be even quicker than teaching the way we do now.

Furthering the statement about choice, and stuff. Are we only animals? Many people say that we are much more evolved than animals when it comes to the thought process, but are we really? To give you an example in my standing, that I have yet to your information brain database place, let's say that you want to teach a dog to sit, well you force him to do so, and then reward the dog with a treat and..or praise. When a child(Which is what I pretty much call the programming age) does something not "acceptable" by social standards, what do you do, scold him right? Well what if that child gets good grades? You either reward him with, you guessed it, a treat(money, food, candy, etc) and..or praise.

I hate when people say they'd "Do this in so in so situation." Well guess what, if you were in a store that was getting robbed, you wouldn't jump up steal the gun away and save the day, you'd probably facate in your pants, good job, idiot.

That's similar to the "I'm better than you at this..." kinda person as well. Yes, I killed you with one hand on the controller in gears of war. You suck, go cry.

The sagging pants until your bum cheeks with underwear is sticking out. Really, what's your problem, do you have no idea how this "trend" started? To those of you that are ignorant of the origin I will enlighten. The trend, if you'd like to call it that, started in jails when a guy made another guy his "bitch", which pretty much means he could use the person with the sagging pants at his leisure. So are you someone's bitch, or are you expecting something? No homo? I think not.

I've noticed something while growing up, and it's that bath tubes are lacking in size. Now for me, it's even too small, so I can't believe how difficult the task would be to bathe in either a shower or tub if I was obese, and nasty. If I participate in a shower session of cleaning then I cannot clean my lower half, letting my..well...run down from my upper body to lower body, and it probably includes remnants of cheesy pooves(yes, poves, due to copyright issuez), and the such. Now if I bathe in a tub, I have trouble wiggling my obeseness around, and so I have trouble reaching certain parts of mybody, and most likely suction cup to the tub. Such as "yo momma so fat, she fills up the tub, then turns on da wata".

As an anecdote involving showers(About to admit something, Uh oh!), the shower in my house happens to scare me, due to the fact it's like standing on a plank of wood that is floating on water, while having rain pummelt everything below your face. So I take a bath in a tub, and due to the fact I'm tall(well at least in comparison to my family) I have trouble moving n' stuffs.

While engorging myself on the serenity of chocolate with a friend that shares it(Carrie), she had noticed an anomaly on the back of the reese's peanut butter cup at the ingredients, and pointed out an anomaly one ingredient was nonfat milk, and another ingredient was milk fat. What's the point of having a NONFAT PRODUCT when you add FAT, and not just any kind of fat, the inverse fat! Another fail in life.

Another opinion incoming!

"That's what she said" jokes, are the best. If you don't agree cover both your eyes with your hands, and just run somewhere, I don't care, and make sure your eyes are covered. If possible start off on a highway during rush hour.

On rush hours(Movie's funny!), how come it's called a rush hour if people are sitting around in a decent sized bomb(car). I understand everyone is rushing to get home or get somewhere, but come on!

Something I was discussing disgustingly about today( November 5th, 200😎 with a friend. When people are in a shower, and decide to pee(Sorry to you that do, well...nevermind I don't care what you think) while in the shower. I mean, even though there's water flowing, how does that make a difference? Pee foot mofo. I bet you wouldn't put your foot to your face after a shower...Does anyone else use that shower, guess what!? Chances are their pee is on your foot too!

People that fail or don't even make an attempt at grammar agitate me(even though I'm quite hypocritical by making this blog, and make no attempt to make sense with it). I mean, it's not that hard to me slightly knowledgeable?

Sluts, well I'm sure if you're reading this you already know my stance on sluts, but just to remind you...I think that they're a waste of air, food, and resources. Maybe they should be in slavery, eh?

"You're racist", I hate that, i'm obviously not racist if I'm friends with other green people, eh? Maybe if you didn't play the stereotype so strongly, maybe I WOULDN'T MAKE JOKES!

"Professional Athletes", just that phrase sickens me. These people that are picked by people that get a lot of money so that they can play a game and earn a lot of money themselves seem nothing but pointless. I understand why athletes "earn" if you want to call it that, their paycheck, but I really think the money could go better somewhere else. Cut the police force, people don't need help. Trim the Firemen force, it's more fun to watch things burn! Bah we need to put a bunch of fat people in a line so they can push each other while someone tries to run a pig stomach across the field, woohoo!!!! You guys suck, go dropkick the side of a skyscraper, on the top floor from the inside out, the window.

Getting so emotionally attached to something that you generally can't live without it is something that bothers me, to a point. I understand why, and how it happens, due to the fact that I get very attached to pretty much anyone that shows me any attention at all, and to put it simple, how much they can hurt me. It's kinda sad to know that we're this stagnant in caring, and how we just want things to be the same everyday forever.

I've started to learn something over time, and it's that knowledge alone is not power. The surplus of knowledge over others is what makes you powerful, and influential, not just knowing a bunch of crap. So read an intelligent book, and then surround yourself with idiots, and feel awesome! Or jump into a ditch, and wait for it to flood.

Suggested by Josh Walters: High School drama in general

First of all, I hate word drama, because it makes me think of a bunch of crappy actors acting out a "sad" scene, in which the person they're feeling sad for will just come back anyway. Drama in school is a whole other story! If you're dumb enough to think that one of your friends going out with someone you dated is this big "Oh EM GEE they're trying to spite me" thing then please emasculate yourself now, so we don't have to deal with anything else like you in a few decades. The people that use the word "drama" are usually the ones that "cause it" also known as "trying to get attention". Stick you hand into the part where two gears meet.

Today(November 7th, 200😎 in my English class a blind kid with a helper came in to the class because he heard a kid in my class talking to the teacher about if blind children have dreams or not. So the helper asked the blind kid if he minded answering the question, and the blind kid said "yes, I dream", although I was very puzzled by what his dream would be, and so I waited for the next obvious question, "What do you dream of?". His response which not only amazed me, but teared me up a little bit was that he "dreamt of colors". This gave me a deeper understanding of the perspective of a few things. First of all, and although this seems rude, I doubt he saw what we see as colors, but instead he probably saw as color, which is amazing, and everything he could ever hope for. Similar to the "green light" aspect in the Great Gatsby. I was utterly amazed by the entire thing, and have been thinking about it all day. Do we take this bending of light(color) for granted or is it just the thing that someone doesn't haves desire that makes it so amazing? I don't know, but altogether the thing kinda put me into a depressive mood, because it made me feel belittled of myself, and our species current direction.

Commented on by Justin Smith: "I often find myself laying around wondering how we are how we are, kind of chasing the answer to life. How do we exist as we exist?","...if we spend our time pondering the details of life, are we missing out on the real thing?"

I think that not only our species, but everything in the universe is just one big accident, it all happened in a series of events, and took many years to happen, I believe that the way we are now came to be by our mistakes, and inquisitive nature, which kind of comes to answer your last question, "If we spend our time...blah". If we haven't pondered, would we be even close to how technologically advanced we are today, would we be so deep in a belief that we ignore the work of nature, and just keep living instead? There's several things I've thought about when it comes to the meaning of life, and it depends on your view of things. From my personal stand-point the only meaning of life is to go on, and stay strong. Fight the elements, and problems that you get with all the perseverance that you can! From the religious stand-point of the meaning of life is that you're ment to die, plain and simple. Be "good"(which there really is no meaning to), and die.

Which adds another topic! Good and Evil. Who decides what's good and evil? I think that people that whore themselves out or step on other people to get ahead are evil. My idea of good is vague though, be as kind as possible, but if a joke or something similar is possible, and it doesn't hurt anyone too bad, then say it! Yeah, I'm done with that.

Response to Josh Walter's comment: "So if you wanna elaborate on relationships or whatever, you go right ahead, my friend!"

This is a tough one to decipher considering the number of different relationships you can have. I'll start with the "normal" just talking friendship. These friendships usually start in two ways, one of your current friends have both of you meet or you get stuck next to person in some event. Usually there's a few things you don't like about the person, but you also would much rather talk to them when there's not one of you're better friends around. It seems most people today blow these people off when another event they prefer to go to comes up, or if they like a person a little better than you yourself. Then there's the "one sided friend", where they may like you, but you really don't like them. Usually the Pedo, or creeper look..talk alike. Most of the time you wish that this person would just go away. Then there's your best friend group, where you like doing pretty much anything with, and although they may have one or two traits you don't like, you'd prefer this person over many others. then there's dating relationships and although I have little to none experience with dating, I'll try. From what I've seen there's a side that wants to spend a lot of time with the person, and the other that have too many things to do, doesn't want to hang out too much or both people want to hang out...This is either me complaining or talking about the real thing.Around my age, relationship last usually about 2-6 months because no one my age knows what they want. That's why I hate my age group, although I can never make my mind up about dinner.

Gonna go slam my face into a wall a few times BRB mate.

I can't believe I hadn't brought this up sooner, especially since I hate it so bad! The use..selling..advertising of drugs, of any sort. I don't care what it is, if it alters you in any way I hate it, and if you use it recreationally(or like it), I hate you. If you're really that pathetic that you need this object to keep you happy, please stop or get someone to help you, you don't need it. I mean seriously, if someone calls you "fag" or your per ant died, that's not a even half decent reason to be upset over anything. And if you don't think this drug effects you in anyway, compare people that do use drugs recreationally to those that do one. See the difference? Not for long, eat your carrots.

Josh Walters: People who give up on school when they are just a couple years from graduating.

Well from my perspective these people are saying "I don't care about how much I make, and want to be stupid for the rest of my life, because I wasted my time in the first 9 years or more of school". I usually seems like the people that drop out are drug dealers or do drugs themselves. I also don't see how people don't strive for more education. I mean everyone wants some type of power, and "knowledge is power". Although my interpretation is that "The exploitation of ignorance through knowledge is power". So maybe in a way they're not so dumb. Who knows, individual cases have different effects, sometimes the person without the education has a lot of money, maybe they have a talent, WHO KNOWS! I'm pro-education, and think that you should try to get as much as possible, although it seems that everyone who gets a pretty hefty education in some things depressed, hmm.

I'm not sure how whoever reads this feels about The Matrix, but it's one of my favorite movies of all time. It has so many abstract ideas that could be possible, and so many quotable lines it seems asinine. For example Agent Smith in the story says:

"Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization".

Which is actually very true in way, it seems that most people don't excel unless put to a test or through a toughening situation. An issue is what drives people to do things, I mean, if you are happy with something, you won't try very hard to improve it will you?

If you're offended by any of this, please write your hate mail in the comments part of this blog, drink a few pints of gasoline, then jump into a bon fire in a mummy suit while driving in a small car shaped like cowboy hat with people that decide to sport mullets. They usually miss teeth too, if they have no teeth, and are below the age of 40, then they get shotgun.

Epic ^

Post some ideas for me to think about and I'll complain or defend them here in this blog!

Subscribe or die.

Oh, and I hate people that write long blogs complaining about stuff.

Well, for some reason it would not let me update my original Ponderisms blog, so it's time for some more shiznay.

If you haven't read the original go do so before I make you eat your own knee caps.

Behold the beginning of part two:

Rumors-Another thing I can't stand. Why would you put someone down? Why would you want to hurt someone or get someone elses hopes up? I understand using rumors for power A.K.A. propaganda. Rumors usually spread the same way dictatorship power does. Exploitation of ignorance and..or desire. If you're going to honestly say you're going to punch someone it the medulla oblongata to hopefully train their brain into learning the cha cha slide without listening to the song then do it!!

Homosexual people...I'm not going to go through this the way you'd probably expect me to. Gay(Gay-a once decent word, destroyed by slang and the media) people don't bother me personally, I actually find them pretty cool people. Does it really matter what a person's orientation is to decide on getting to know them or not? Or are you that pathetic that you can't put their orientation aside to see who the person is, or give them a chance to find out who they are? I don't mind gay people, as long as they don't make any intense advances towards me or do, well gay stuff in front of me.

How come superheroes that have the super power of "super strength" are always super duper buff. I mean, it's not as expected from a really skinny emo kid to have super human strength, so give it to him. Oh, and I like wearing my underwear on the outside too.

When someone uses moms, when it's not possessive.What's your mother? A lesbian? If not good job at labeling her it, since you seem to have several moms.

Another grammatical thing I have a problem with is the application of you're and your which only like 5 people know how to use not including English Teachers. Alright prepare for your lesson by slamming your head into a mailbox a few times. Alright if you're not sure when to use the appropriate one here we go, you use you're if "you are" makes sense in the sentence and so you use a conjunction to make you're. Any other time your fits, because it means someone is in possession of something. So if someone says "your a fag" in a text or something just laugh because he just called you a cigarette which is the slang term for it in England, and where it originated I think. So enjoy, and use the correct one or I'll stick glass in all of your socks.Josh's New Year Resolution comment response:

It gets to this time of year, the end of December, and most families and..or people are coming down from Christmas or blowing out their candelabra(had to look it up since Firefox's spell check makes me want to stick a rotating blade in my belly button), and some people decide to make this thing called a "New Years Revolution" in which they pretty much waste their time making false promises to themselves, which the break of a promise is one of the largest "sins"(That's from my personal awesome sins and commandments texts things) in my opinion. The person either ruins the their Revolution in a week, which kinda shows how well they'd hold a promise for you, so don't trust em, or you'll get T-bagged by the New years ball.

Assumably, I should have put this before the response to Josh's comment, but oh well, go blow dry the highway during rush hour while it's raining. I've been thinking about something and it's the "Santa Perspective", which usually includes some of the happiest times of of pre-adolescent lives and is something that we look back on with joy. Some people dislike telling children this "lie" of Santa, but is it really what they call "fake"? Before I get into what I want to, I think that you should tell your child the story of Santa, and make sure he..she feels the same way I do about it, because [conceitedmoment] I'm awesome [/conceitedmoment]. Santa IS real, but not in the way you believed as a child you see. Santa lives where the child in you does, which sadly some have lost because they didn't realize that innocence was an extreme power. Have you ever noticed when a kid talks or is excited about Santa, you get kinda antsy with them? Seeing these moments really makes me feel good about myself, and how kids are, which goes away...Well, i'm not going to end this one with some kind of sadistic humor, because I don't think it fits.

When you watched a movie, and it reached that point where it's hitting the credits, have you ever watched the people you've watched it with? Usually they have a blank stare in bewilderment and usually end up scratching their face or putting chapstick on or something. I dunno why people do this, but I think it's kidna funny 🙂

Well I was walking to the bathroom one day, and these people did this over exaggerated handshake in which the one guy obviously had something in his hands after they were finished. The sad thing is I've run into this a bunch of times, but oh well, hopefully they kill themselves faster.

Responding to Josh's comment which I have been forgetting to respond to:

Well it's obvious that our generation is the laziest generation EVER, I.E. me! Maybe the few hard workers will make up got the slack while the lazy people sit around and watch other people do the work, which is also apparent in groups at school where one person does a bulk of the work, and the rest just sit around and spectate or shoot their opinions which no one cares about. I'm sure we'll get to the technology eventually, just a lot slower than if everyone participated in the forwarding of mankind, which the only things people seem to be interested in is money and sex.

Don't believe me? Check what is on TV, name something that does not have either sex or money, then punch stalagmite.

I hate when people do the jk jk thing whilst replying to either a comment or commenting on a picture. I mean would that not be a double negative anyway? Wouldn't your friend understand that you were only joking or are you..they that insecure? So I ask of you, lick the power source of your computer.

The following doesn't have a humorous anecdote, or entertaining plot, instead I'll be showing more of a lament than anything. Read
this first: http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vaTE5MC5waG90b2J1Y2tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL3oyODAvS2F5bmVOaWdodGNsYXcvYmF3d3cuanBn

There's something I've been wondering really, about how people think, feel,search,socialize, and come up with solutions. Is the Human race really this, well epically unemotional, do we really not care for anything except ourselves? How can we, the owners of an animal, the friend of a person in need ignore, and even push away these things that have cared for us, how can we be so self centered that we can't even care? What is the point in befriending someone when they don't care what you think, say or do? Perhaps we never make friends, we only find a person to complain to until they can't take it any more. Furthermore, how do we put an animal, that has shown nothing except love for the owner, that waited for you at the door, and whined with sorrow when you left to "sleep". This "put to sleep" synonym for killing a loyal buddy really upset me, and I think things should be blunt with their meaning. If a family member died, they died, they didn't pass away or move on, that's it they died. It upsets me when someone has solace for a child that's hurt, or an animal being killed, but then changes the subject that's going on or moves to something else so that they stop feeling that emotion, and can ignore the problem altogether. There's so much I could go on about with this topic, but my stomach hurts.