Politics, through my eyes [- Hammas]

Day 921, 05:33 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Hammas Amer

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Politics, as I see.

Many new players are entering the vast fields of politics, which is a good thing. I remember there was a time in ePakistan when we all knew weeks before any elections who will win, who will be elected, who will be the leader. However in these times, the clock hands move faster then our wrists. Oppositions are on the increase, new parties are flipping the coins, new party presidents are placing their necks under the saw and the president continues to throw the dice as the game goes on.


Welcome to the witty world of Politics

Below are some tips and points* I would like you all Politicians to remember and recall whenever taking a decision.
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Learn from others
The greatest thing you can do for ePakistan, is improve yourself. And how do we learn? We learn FROM OTHERS. Alternatively, we learn from our mistakes, but more so from others' mistakes 😉

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* Do grunt work:This is how you have to start if you have any political aspirations. Whether it's for a party or for a Department of Interior program, doing hard work (and being good at it) obviously helps the country, but also helps higher-up people remember you, which can help when you yourself are ready to move up.

* Trust (almost) no one: And here, my cynicism kicks in. Find a few people that you could trust with your life, and trust only them with everything. Beware of ulterior motives with anyone you talk to. Assume that every 'private' conversation you have will be posted somewhere it shouldn't be, and shown to the exact people who can do the most damage with your words. It may seem like overreacting paranoia, but it's easier to be suspicious than be humiliated. As the saying goes, Every man for himself. There are times when your own party members are not worth your trust, so be alarmed and out for a watch.

* Don't try to please everyone: If you manage to get through your entire political career without pissing anyone off, you have not done anything effective.People will disagree with you, they will be stubborn, some people will try to sabotage you or destroy what you work for. But when it comes down to it, will you surrender just to appease the people against you? Or will you support your viewpoint, your party, your Congress?

* Don't try to hide, once your in - you stay in: Don't be shy, speak up, speak for your nation, address regularly. Be a part of the IRC. Let's say you're the Speaker of the House (the leader of Congress, elected by the senators), and a high-ranking military official comes into your IRC channel with a question about the budget. If you decide to hide and not say anything to fix the situation because you can't deal with confrontation, you shouldn't be leading anything. If you follow the piece of advice right above, you will be criticized. Stand up and face the problems. Hiding won't make anything better.

* Ambition can kill: If you play your cards right, you'll end up at some point with several jobs to do (or at least several potential jobs to pick and choose from). Keep your notions, motives straight. If you can't handle, call on an assistant, the congress are here to HELP.

*Listen to the OLD guy(s): Listen to the old guys. Even being a Congressman can be time-consuming if you're a good one. Stick to one or two things at once. HE KNOWS, RESPECT THE OLD GUYS.

*Learn from your enemy: If they knock you down, humiliate you, and defeat you, then there's something you need to change. Next time they attack, be prepared for it. Know their tactics and how to rebut them. You'll become stronger in the end.

*Be prepared to SACRIFICE: No pain, no gain - that's how the saying goes. Don't be a pisser, spend gold for you nation, build your reputation, build your society, build ePakistan.

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So now, I move on. It's time to explore a different part of the game. Pakistan is on your hands.
Signing off,