Politics: is it really fun?

Day 594, 15:32 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by psandrad

Dear all,

Recently the government presented a plan to reform the way the eUNL is being administered. With the title 'Strenghtening our democracy', an ambitious plan was launched in order to restructure certain government processes. Personally I have a heard mixed opinions about this plan. Some say it's a great idea, others think it is just another government plan that will lead to even more power for the more experienced and most active players.

First of all I should say I support this plan for 100% myself, and I would like to say a few words about why I think this plan might mean a big deal for us eUNL'ers.

I have noticed there's always an ongoing discussion about the importance of the forum. Those who are active on it say it is the way you can make a difference, those who aren't so active think it's rather unfair that forum-activity is necessary if you want to have a saying in things. With the introduction of the reform plan, I think politics become more interesting for everybody, and more important: more accessable.

I admit, in the current situation, you need to invest quite some time in reading articles/posts and you need to spend even more time in partaking in discussions on both the forum and IRC. There's so much going on! State companies, training companies, taxes, foreign relations, money, you name it. A lot of people find this either too complicated, or too overwhelming. In the reform plan, we describe how we want to split the power between ingame-related things, and forum related things.

Now, the congress is for everything. Ingame issues, and forum issues. In the future, the ingame-congress will decide about ingame issues like taxes, donations and minimum wages, while the forum Senate will discuss things like the managing of state-companies, the organisations of the army and so on. Ofcourse there will still be interaction between the both of them, but all in all it becomes a bit more structured, and politicians will have more time to concentrate on certain issues.

A few people think this was all invented in order for the so-called 'elite' to maintain an even firmer grip on what is going on, but this is not true in my opinion. In the current situation, if you're not elected in congress, you can do very little to change things. In the proposed situation, it will become possible for people to run for senate even as independent candidates. Also, if you and a few friends think something needs to be changed, you can ask for a referendum which the government will need to respect, regardless of the outcome!

All in all, it would be nice to see more people active and I think this will become possible with the reform-plans. You don't need to go hardcore if it's not your cup of tea, small contributions are equally important. And for all the new members, don't be afraid to make yourself heard! And if you decide the forum is really, really not your thing, you can always start a newspaper, comment on ongoing events, what you like in eRep, what you hate in eRep or why you think a certain person should be praised/bashed.

It makes the eRep experience just much more interesting than the daily click-click-done routine and the occasional training-war. I can definately recommend it.

Best regards,

Pander Sols