Political Weekly Congressional Endorsements

Day 1,160, 20:58 Published in USA USA by JDR1986

It is with great pleasure that I release the first Political Weekly, monthly Congressional Candidate Endorsements.

Evan Feinman - Alabama
Twisted Pixel - Alaska
Hobbitton - Arkansas
John Largo - Baja
Fionia - Balochistan
Ligtreb - California
Futrel - Chongqing
Mr. A. Smith - Chubu
Jdr1986 - Colorado
Michael Porter - Connecticut
Greekhoplite - Delaware
SggHays - District of Columbia
Colin Lantrip - Florida
Hadrian X - Georgia
Avruch - Gulf Of Mexico
Robert E Lee - Hawaii
Pearlswine - Idaho
Lord Krauser - Indiana
Animis - Iowa
David Landon - Kansas
Jasper Signa - Kentucky
Julian Mizu - Louisiana
Heero Blaze - Maine
Harflimon - Maryland
Karabeth - Massachusetts
Lt. Scheiss - Michigan
CRoy - Minnesota
Jacksondr5 - Mississippi
Jude Connors - Missouri
Paul Proteus - Montana
Jelly9473 - Nebraska
Rainy Sunday - Nevada
Jamarcus - New Hampshire
Civil Anarchy - New Jersey
Laxsnor - New Mexico
Sino301 - New York
Iasov - North Carolina
Elivmar - North Dakota
Marxus - NW Frontier Prov.
Agent Washington - Oaxaca
Athanaric - Ohio
Xtasia - Oklahoma
Deershark - Oregon
CheesyQueso - Pacific Coast of Mexico
Cromstar - Pennsylvania
Leroy Combs - Rhode Island
manthigh - Sistan & Bumfukland
Rod Damon - South Carolina
George Armstrong Custer - SE of Ireland
Piginzen - SE of Mexico
Robert Loggia - Texas
NXNW - Tibet
Talio Extremist - Utah
S3ro - Vermont
Wingfield - Virginia
Speedcat Mcnasty - Washington
Glove - West Virginia
Andy Costello - Wisconsin
Candor - Wyoming

Code0011 asked for an endorsement. Since I have already announced a candidate in Oregon I would like to say I have talked to all 3 non-blockers. They would all make a great addition to congress.

All of you feel free to use the following image. Thank you for all those that submitted platforms. Good luck to all of you.