Political Take Overs and Elitism in eRepublik

Day 1,197, 04:21 Published in USA USA by Socialist Freedom Org

Day 1197 of New World

The following guest editorial was submitted by Smily132, one of the founders of the Socialist Freedom Party:

My theory on Political Take Overs and Elitism in eRepublik.

by Smily132

To all of my korean readers: Please keep in mind that this was intended for a global audience, and it isn't necessary an attack on the current government.

To all other readers: This is more in depth and serious than you can normally expect out of me.


I have never had a hard time understanding why “PTO” groups do what they do.

I have had a hard time with them taking what I believed was mine.

I was first introduced to the radical notion that PTO’s don’t exist when I was living in eSouth Korea and the Theocrats (a branch of Dioists) had taken over the country. They would often argue that the citizens who had lived in eSK before they came had no more right to the country than anyone else.

Up until recently I really had never thought of it that way, and thought it was an interesting way to look at things. I didn’t believe in it necessarily. It wasn’t until many months later that I started thinking about how much merit this idea actually has.

I started connecting it with my loathing for the elite class in countries like eUSA. I’ve had many first-hand experiences dealing with different “PTO’s” both as a regular citizen and as part of the elite that I can draw information from.

Logo of the theocrats

Chapter 1: The PTO

I do not believe that what people call “political take overs” (PTO’s) as they are known in eRepublik exist. Nevertheless, I will continue to use the term PTO throughout this article for lack of a better term.

A “PTO” is not one foreign group stealing the place of a group that rightfully belongs in power. Rather it is one group replacing another equal group.

I believe that everyone in the game belongs to at least one group. In most large countries, citizens are born into the group that consists of most of the other people in their country. Most governments will gladly supply various public services to the people in their country because they view the people of their country as part of their own group.

In small countries it is a different story. Small countries are much more prone to “PTO’s” as most people refer to them. Generally these “PTO” groups are groups that spawn out of larger countries for one purpose or another. Most commonly, they are looking for a new home because they got kicked out of their own home.

They want to use the country for their own monetary gains, or they want to help their country/super alliance by asserting power in a country. eRepublik is game of groups, and most importantly it is a game of conflict between groups. It is inevitable that these conflicts will happen because each group has their own self interests and they often butt heads with the interests of other groups.

The real problem with people complaining about groups that come to take over a country is that they aren’t necessarily doing anything wrong.

The citizens who live in a country who are being PTO’d really have no more entitlement to their country than anyone else.

They obviously want to maintain their power and stability, but it does not mean that they are fighting a righteous battle. All groups want to do just as much for their people as any other group. People often make the claim “TH3y R st34lin’ 0uR C0untri3z” or something to that effect. The only problem with that statement is that it never was yours to begin with.

Chapter 2: The Elite Class

The ones that have the biggest issue with “PTO’s” are the elite class because they have the most to lose from a “PTO”.

In most countries, the elite class successfully persuades their close followers to join their crusade against a “PTO” despite the fact that the life of regular citizens remains mostly unchanged when a new group is in power.

The elitist class often takes great measures to make sure their power is maintained. There is more to it than just power. Often times the elite class has a great deal of time and money invested in the country as well and they don’t want to see that go to waste.

In eUSA, for example they even have an election committee called the “Federal Election Committee” to make sure that the elite class stays in power.

In my opinion, this is a very bad thing for the majority of the country because under my theory it is almost like the eUS elites are treating their regular citizens as part of a different group that they are trying to keep out of power. Quite frankly that is exactly what it is for.

Have you ever wondered why the same group of circle jerking friends (along with a few new people who sleep with the current elites to work their way in to the elite class) have always been in power?

The elites deciding what to do with the country

Could it just be that the author is just some butthurt reject?

I have been in the elite class before, I was second in line (1st, had I not passed on the torch voluntarily) to the throne of eSouth Korea about a year ago.

I know what it is like to be part of the “elite class” that I so deeply loathe.

I know what it is like to have everything you have worked for taken away from you.

Yet, through all the frustration I can completely understand the motives of PTO groups. If I didn’t have other loyalties it would be -- dare I say? -- “fun” to be part of a PTO.

At the end of the day it comes down to one group feuding with another, and these feuds will continue for as long as eRepublik is around.

Citizen of South Kromania

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