Political Humor

Day 601, 04:44 Published in USA USA by Nero Preto

USA, day 601 of the New World

Political Daffynitions

Campaign rhetoric: Baloney disguised as food for thought.

A radical: Someone whose opinions differ from yours.

A politician: One who claims to understand both sides of an issue (and may take them both).

Tax collector: Someone looking for untold wealth.

Congress: Where a person gets up to speak, has nothing to say, nobody listens, then everyone disagrees.

Tax loopholes: Like parking spaces, they seem to disappear by the time you get there.

Defeated candidate: A person who is lucky because he doesn't have to explain why he didn't keep campaign promises.


Many people will spend the summer occupied with fishing and politics. In fishing you use a worm, and in politics a worm uses you.



If a person is well-informed on world issues, he can run for political office. And if the voters are not well-informed, he can get elected.


Republicans and Democrats have a lot in common. Republicans wear $1,000 suits, and Democrats drive $1,000 cars.


A politician's idea of a mistake in judgement is accepting a small bribe when he should have done the ethical thing--hold out for a big one.


The world's smallest gathering is a politician collecting his thoughts.


I got a letter from my congressman deploring how America has become a throw-away society--but I threw it away.



Have you noticed? It's always the fat cats who want to tighten somebody else's belt.


Congress has more good actors than the World Wrestling Federation.


A president can't fool all the people all the time. That's why we elect a president and a vice president.

PS: I'm just joking with this article, no offense with the politicians.

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Best regards,
Nero Preto ~ press director of The New World Times

Political Humor