Political Hotspot

Day 2,969, 12:31 Published in United Kingdom Canada by JQXZ

Welcome to the thirty-eighth edition of Political Hotspot

Garth Lidlington M.D. has won the UK presidential election, in a second consecutive victory for a WRP candidate, following Aaron Mark Daniels successful run in December. Alongside these successes at the polls the WRP is also successfully rebuilding it's member base, positioning itself to break into the top five again in the not so distant future. If the BDP hadn't also (predictably!) managed to increase it's membership as well, the WRP might in fact have made it into the top five again by now.

The presidential election has also heralded the rise of two new parties into the top ten, Rory Winterbourne II's Total Democracy, and the National Democrats of Joseph McKenzie and MajorGeneral Erich von Klinke.

Rory Winterbourne II campaigned on an interesting, though perhaps not entirely workable, proposal to introduce direct democracy in the UK under the Constitutional Dictatorship. This could be a way of increasing the participation of the masses in the political process, which would be positive, but could also be a license for crooks to use multis to exert unfair influence over the legislative process, which would be negative. The negatives could, therefore, outweigh the positives. It would be advisable for a policy of this kind to be implemented on a gradual basis, in order that it's effects could be analysed before the country is too deeply committed to it. A slightly greater role for the Constitutional Dictator would be needed, including the right to block attempts to change the constitutional position of Constitutional Dictator. Any such change should also be accompanied by the formal recognition of the Constitutional Dictatorship as a Constitutional Monarchy, thereby abolishing the right to call a referendum on who holds the position.

God Save King Woldy!