Political Hotspot

Day 2,938, 09:27 Published in United Kingdom Canada by JQXZ

Welcome to the thirty-sixth edition of Political Hotspot.

Aaron Mark Daniels of WRP has won the presidential election in the United Kingdom, in a result that shows that the WRP still has political clout despite having recently fallen to sixth place, meaning that it is unable to directly participate in Congress elections. It does, however, still get one or two candidates into Congress each month thanks to an agreement with ESO.

There has also been a turnaround in the fortunes of the PCP in recent times, with that party starting to look like it could become a serious player once again. It will be interesting to see how things pan out for them.

There has been suggestions at times in some quarters that PCP and WRP should merge to form a single party. This would propel the merged party back into the top five, and could therefore be to the benefit of the two parties, but at a cost to the political diversity of the eUK. It would therefore be a bad idea for the country. It would also be wise to bear in mind that the BDP has a tendency to react to being pushed out of the top five by quickly recruiting more members, a tactic that probably led to WRP being pushed out of the top five in the first place.

Political diversity is something that the eUK urgently needs to foster, for its smaller parties are currently in dire straits, with the country only having nine parties with more than one member. Decreasing the number of parties by the use of mergers would only make the problem worse.

God Save King Woldy!

The next edition of Political Hotspot will be published on Wednesday the 16th of December.