Political Freedom-National Slavery

Day 890, 05:34 Published in Czech Republic Israel by Aldameldo

Dear comrades and e-czechs.
In the last days our country and our Congress have been emancipated by the PTO, and have started acting freely! We saw the taxes being brought to normal levels, and alliances being chosen by the real chosen ones of the people!
But a crucial question has still to be answered .
Which will be Czech Republic's military choice?

We have seen how our EDEN (or better pro-EDEN) "friends" behaved to us! Slovaks fooled us. A normal Training War ended up in Moravia and Northern Bohemia being occupied by slovak forces... I personally was very sceptical about that MPP, since some of them think that the Czech Republic is just a part of their dream "state" of Czechoslovakia...
Slovakia also declared war to Poland! You may think that Slovakia is leaving EDEN sphere of influence, but NOT! Slovaks want just to disorientate us! That fact just enables Poland to invade czech provinces, and create a stronger occupation.

So here we go! They almost conquered us! And I'm sure they won't hesitate to attack Southern Bohemia and whip us out of the Map again! That Training War was just an EPIC FAIL of our country. But the good thing is that we are still politically free.
Our freedom enables us to react against that national slavery. And we, the e-czech people should decide our military alignment!
As I showed you, EDEN is not a solution for our country! Their hypocrisy just stinks!
Entente is not a good solution, too. I think you are all aware of what happened to France and Germany...
Before that TW failure, I personally used to be in favour of neutrality. But we were neutral when Slovakia attacked us. So neutrality can't protect us from imperialists...

So the only choice left to us for achieving our freedom is one. PHOENIX!! The wings of the mythical bird will save our sovereignty! We are also a little phoenix, since we did resurrect from our ashes!! And Phoenix will help us a lot! But let me give you my arguments.

First of all, Hungary is near our borders, and as soon as it gets its territory back, it can help us liberate ourselves!
Furthermore, it took Russia only a day or two in order to conquer and liberate Berlin! The same can happen with us, too!
All these may not sound you quite persuasive. But we have a war here, a war with EDEN agents, and there is no better response that entering Phoenix, even temporarily! So let us sign MPPs with strong PNX members, like Russia, Hungary and Serbia.
Listen to me e-czechs, that's our future!

"PHOENIX" like "FREEDOM"!!!!!!


PS. I don't sign as a Minister, for that is just my humble personal opinion, and not an official statement.