Polish love

Day 418, 05:13 Published in Germany Germany by Tolo

I see our latest actions angered the polish and we are really sorry but it was necessary. We needed independance from sweden, a independance they wouldn't give us. Sorry sweden but we had to do it. We don't see either of you as enemies. We know you don't see us as allies either and this saddens me. Its just we needed separation from sweden for our economy and own countries good.

We really like you poles and would like to extend an apologizing hand to you and wish you discuss this among yourselves. We weren't attacking you or even considering you as a enemy but as a dear friend. The actions we made were not a sign of hate but acts of frustration over being puppeted.

I would really like to amend our countries relationship. Contact me or DKN for talks over it

P.S. I must say what upvote means in each article don't i. (Germans)Upvote this if you love poles and (Poles) upvote this if you accept our apologies.