Poland Unleashed

Day 1,775, 13:19 Published in Canada Canada by Randall Flagg 1999

Poland cometh and we are in no way prepared for such a fight. Poland is capable of holding down multiple countries at once and does it effectively to boot. A few hours ago Poland declared us their Natural Enemy and in 22 hours time they will be knocking on our door. Sadly we are waiting for the admins to correct a mistake with our ability to declare a natural enemy at this time. While we had the votes to make Macedonia our NE, the loss of a border caused the vote to fail, yet they are still suspiciously our NE.... So until the admins fix this, we will have to face a Poland equipped with a 10% bonus against us.

But fight them we shall! We only have a small amount of time to prepare; baton down the hatches and gather what supplies you can. Because tomorrow, we march! And we may very well march to our doom, but we will put up one hell of a fight! We’ve tackled Poland before under the military leadership of Rylde and held the line; but those were better more prosperous days.

We did not seek this war with Poland, but now that it is upon us, I call on all eCanadians to stand side by side to fight this common enemy. Loses will be grave, but we will outlast them so long as we stay true and continue the struggle. So come the morning, prepare yourselves for a fight and once we get the NE going, put your True Patriot gold to good use, because we are going to need every gold and every CAD to throw them off our soil.