
Day 403, 10:31 Published in USA USA by Boss_Khamzi

My friends,

In every war we are tested in many ways. This war started as an Ideological one. We were trying to free the Swiss. Along the way our politicians got extreamly overconfident and decided to divide up the French Countryside. This united the French and their PEACE allies. The counter-attack was devistating and pushed us from the shores of France in a manner that left us bickering and pointing fingers.

The time has come to once again show PEACE and the rest of the world how we can fight when we unite. Put aside the outcome... grab your guns and fight. EVERYONE benefits when we fight. You do by the XP, your boss does if you end the day with high wellness, and the country does as we bury this wall in piles of French. War is never a time for internal conflict. Whether you believe we are fighting for the Swiss, or if you feel we are fighting to only gain teritories. We still must FIGHT. Let the politicians decide what to do when we win... We can vote them out after the fact and give the lands back if we feel that is what needs to be done. But now... FIGHT!!!

Lt. Boss_Khamzi
1/1 eUSA NG
Vermont Resident Fighting in FLA.


I am selling a Q1 house for 100 USD/1.4 Gold. This will be done by donation. PM me to see if I have sold it. I will make note below when I have.