PMTF are cool, guys, stop hateing

Day 702, 05:29 Published in Peru Peru by Parinoid Android

Like serious guys, they are only here to run our country for us, and maybe profit from it. But really, isn't that what all good friends do? They do all the work for you, don't give you a option in the matter, and well, profit from anything you had done. I mean really guys, PMTF/PDE are our best friends, lets just give them a hug and drop this dispuit, they have helped our country tons;
1) Brought over 200 Polish Voters with them.-We really needed the population increase, I mean without that many Polish coming in, we could get TOd

2) They helped produce a economy that increases profits for the government.-The government needs that money, after our own people stole from it, and who better to trust the money then the people protecting us from a TO.

3)They have blocked any TO by getting 50% of the votes with their one party.-This stopped the mighty Holy See with their 10-15% of the vote to TO us weak Peruvians.

4) They kept all money going from the National Bank,- I mean guys we can't trust ourselves

5)And they even did a few lulz proposals to show us who is in power-only a friend would flaunt their voting prowess.

6) They killed our Llamas- that is good, they needed the food anyways.

7)....wait, they killed our Llamas,


9) Ok, this is the last straw.- end list-

______PMTF Secret Police Break in________

Oh, sorry I got carried away, I mean, "wtf, why didn't they just kill us, we make better meat :/ "

So everyone time for our 2 minute hate, everyone hate on PEACE, Hate on Indo, Hate on those Holy See. Hate Wally Wilson for Tricking Big Brother into endorsing him.

Ok 2 minute hate over, now praise Big Brother, Love Big Brother, be Big Brothers helper, Let Big Brother Lead you.

Everyone thank Big Brother if you agree.