Day 941, 07:07 Published in India Serbia by dr. Boza Chaos
4 MY SUBSCRIBERS....this is only for people of India...or come to India and it will be for you too!!!
Please don`t unsub!! 😃
Dragi pretplatnici ovo je članak namijenjen pozivanju Indijaca u moju stranku!!Molim vas nemojte se odsubati jer bit će opet onih članaka,a ovime samo pozivam ljude da mi se priključe!!

Hello my dear Indians!!
I am dr. Boza Chaos or just DrChaos!!

I am president of Hello Kitty India Party!!

I write this just to say HELLO and call you all in my Party!
We can make this country better and PINK!!!!
Hello Kitty is simbol of happines and success!!
Join to us and together we can say:
HELLO Rich India

Together WE can DO IT!!!

As You can see....and You and Me both have HOT GIRLS 😉