PLEASE COME BACK (Economic Revival)

Day 1,170, 19:37 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

Currently our eMalaysian society is trying to revive our economy by creating as many jobs available to move our economy. But, we can see that only a few job offer available and on today’s list there are only 3 offers; all from grain companies.
The idea seems to be not working out smoothly.

Here is another approach that we should consider taking:

There are numerous eMalaysian who choose to work in a foreign country for a better salary.
We can’t blame them for frustration of our companies giving them low pay. And, with the country being invaded constantly, they lose their job frequently.

What we can suggest is… Those eMalaysian can maintain their job in the foreign country, but please come back to stay in eMalaysia.
By practicing this, let say a guy who is working for salary in eChina… will convert his eChinese currency to Gold; and then buy MYR to live and buying local products here.

More MYR needed everyday, more value added to the currency. It is not impossible that 1 G = 100-80 MYR again...

Seriously,… Buy eMalaysian!