Play a Game With Me (Ep. VI)

Day 3,434, 08:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Omnissiah

Rules are simple
1. Do NOT comment your answer in the comments section.
2. PM me your answer/guess. Please keep it to one entry. 😉
3. There will be a 24 hour period (from posting time) and entries will close.
4. If multiple people give me the same answer, I'll simple assign them a number from 1 to however many, roll a die, and the winner will receive their prize and be acknowledged in the next issue.
5. This is open to anyone from any eNation.

2 GOLD. Also, this is a throw away question so I can hopefully start to get back into this.

Complete the limerick:
"There was a gay Countess of Bray,
And you may think it odd when I say,
That in spite of high station,
Rank, and education,

Editors Note: Feedback of any kind is always appreciated. If you have any ideas on how to improve this, or want to donate prizes or submit questions for future issues, just shoot me a PM. - WK