Plato gives, and Plato takes. New price set at 0.30.

Day 1,564, 02:16 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste
Sure, Plato works in mysterious ways. But its the unbalance and craziness that makes the game interesting. While others moan about admins, I embrace the weirdness. And so does rest of Sweden. Well, except maybe Gudrun Schyman who owns like 30 Q6 factories and cant sell a singe weapon. Cuz yes, Plato has stopped buying finished goods (Food & Weapons) at the recommended price – for now.

Article by Toothpaste

But when it comes to raw materials, Plato keeps us half-happy. We have seen players selling raw materials on the Swedish market for as low as 0.26 SEK as it was expected. But I can inform you that you don't have to go as low if you are only interested to sell off your daily production (and not trading). Cuz Plato does buy raw materials in masses at 0.30 SEK. 0.30 SEK seems to be set at some kind of safety line during this madness*. And raw materials is what most of players live of.

So: If you will put your price for raw materials at 0.30 SEK, Plato will buy around 400 to 500 units per hour from you. Meaning, if you are producing less than 12000 units of WRM and less than 12000 of FRM per day, you will be fine at the price of 0.30. (thx to Swedish community at the TSM MU for this investigation)

If you are producing more and need to sell the stuff to the players, you will have to compete with the price and probably go as low as 0.26 SEK. For now at least. But hopefully, when this gets read by most of the Swedish players, and we all start to cooperate, we can together raise the price back up to the standard price at 0.33, and re-active Platos hunger for weapons and food. And it has to happened ASAP.

* Madness = this economical madness was created earlier this week when Plato introduced the new Q2 training grounds for 20 gold each. Q2 TG a thing that you need to have if you want to compete with your military strength. So every player started to sell of his goods as fast as he could, resulting in massive price drop on the marketplace. For the earned money, people bought and are still buying gold that they are planning to use to upgrade their training facilities.

NOTE: This is still valid.