Plato feels hunger for RM - price up to 0.31 + List on Food and Weapon prices

Day 1,566, 05:11 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste
The reaction to my last article regarding this subject was extremely positive. In just matter of hours, we managed to lift the price a bit for the raw materials. Today, 0.30 is basically set as a standard, but I still see during some hours people selling RM cheaper than that. But they are very very few and have very little impact on the Swedish market.

Article by Toothpaste

The Swedish government and the Swedish Finance department has always said that the market should correct and regulate it self. And sometimes I agree with that statement, but today and during crisis, I'm more of the view that the price and profit can and should be manipulated by the most simple thing: words and taxes. What do you think? Should the state manipulate the markets or just let it do its own thing? Comment!

Anyway, Plato has reacted positively as well to our price war with admin. And my investigation shows that if you are selling less than 7000 units of WRM and less than 7000 units of FRM per day, your price should be set at 0.31. At that price, Plato is buying between 250 and 300 units of RM each per hour. If we all start to raise the price to that level, Plato will be buying more from us at this price level.

Import taxes, yes or no?

I believe if we continue to raise the price bit by bit, we should be able to raise the price back to normal within 3-4 days. But unfortunately, there is a limit to what we can do without raising the import tax to block of the big foreign sellers that are using the unbalance between countries. And there ends my power, cuz the dark force is to strong with this one. I cant make the congress to change their mind by my self alone. Whats your opinion on import taxes? Answer this poll!

Finished goods and Plato

Since my last article regarding this subject, I got a lot of questions about the price on food and weapons to be able to sell those finished goods to Plato. I have that list. But my suggestion is to wait 5 days with lowing your prices under the recommended price if you can.

Here are the prices (all include 25% VAT):