Platform for Congress in Wisconsin

Day 732, 06:27 Published in USA USA by Johny Gomez

Hello citizens of the eUSA. I want to introduce myself with a little history about me and what I plan to do as a Congressman.
I began playing eRepublik a year ago. I started out in eUS. I thought it was kind of boring due to the fact I wanted to get involved in the political field. So I moved to Singapore. I helped against the PTO but failed miserably. I got one Congress seat after the PTO ended. Then Estonia came out. I joined and I led the fight against the PTO. We won barely. I got 3 Congress seats in Estonia and ran for President once but lost. Then I went to South Korea for a new political challenge but then the Theocrats took over. I then moved to Pakistan and helped out got 2 Congress seats there and helped the non Dioist population get a say in the government. I am now wanting to join the US political to bring myself to the ultimate challenge of winning over many more votes than I have in previous elections.

What I plan to do

I plan on helping bring the US further up the ranks in the eWorld. I have had a lot of experience in the political field and I believe my ideas can help the US. These are my ideas and plans:

Economy and Taxes

The eUS economy is doing pretty well right now. We have kicked out the Russians out of our homeland once. Then again we kicked them out in Alaska and our army is still running strong. I believe that the taxes set are doing exactly what they need to do.


I think the eUS needs more hospitals and I will vote yes to all those Hospital placements that are reasonable. Wisconsin unfortunately is not once of those places. States such as Texas and New York would be good places to start.

Foreign Politics
It is nice having allies that would stand by your side when the world is against you. I believe that we should have a wide variety of allies including ex-PEACE nations to ensure greater security.

War Games
Bring them on! War games strengthens our army and teaches our new born citizens the war module which is very important in the grand scheme of things.

That is my platform I will be grateful representing Wisconsin in Congress.

Johny Gomez