Plans in the UKRP - New Party President

Day 283, 06:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

When I moved to the UK in August (on the 2nd), I noted that I didnt really want to involve myself in politics. I was looking for something to do, in an effort to better the UK as it is now my home country, and was frustrated at the lack of access a normal citizen has. It was suggested that I join a party to gain more access, so I did and joined the UKRP.

Katie has been a fairly close friend of mine for a couple months now, since she used to be the Ambassador to the US, and her and I have always gotten along well together. Kaleb, Shadow, and I go way back, and so on so the UKRP made more sense for me.

When I joined, one of my initial goals was to help in the area of Party Recruitment and activity. Our activity levels have increased (as well as the size of our Party), and we have all had say on many different things, including our revitalization and manifesto, Press Releases, and so on.

When Katie stepped down, she felt like she could not dedicate the time to the Party that she felt necessary to run it properly. Funky took over in her stead, and was an awesome PP for the time he had it. I honestly believed him to be just as good of a candidate for the Presidency of the UK as anyone, including KIA due to his commitment to his people, his country, and most of all his values.

Unfortunately, Funky has gone into the same issues as a good majority of the older members, in not having the proper amount of time to dedicate to things, so he has also decided to step down. Since I am not at Uni (well too old for that), and can dedicate myself to whatever duties I end with out of this, I was the logical and accepted choice. The other option was Rayf, who has been our PR Superman, who simply didnt feel comfortable and experienced enough in the role of PP, let alone CP.

I am not asking you to vote for me during the General Elections. Vote for whomever you think will do the best job. If that's KIA, then so be it. If that's Alain Bates, despite the opinion of others, then so be it. If it's me, then I can and will dedicate myself to the constant maintenance, improvement, and growth of the UK, as well as cooperation between all people, no matter which party you're from.

I will not tell you to vote for someone else, as I believe anyone in the PP should be willing to take Presidency if the people feel they warrant it. Therefore, even though some may think so, I will not throw the support of the UKRP behind another Party. We're all free to vote how we feel is best.

I will follow our policies as set forth in our manifesto, which was written in a cooperative group effort.

I urge all members of the UKRP, and all citizens of the UK to join the National Forums at:

[a url=]UK National Forums[/a]

There, you can give your input behind any party, proposal, etc. which we all want to see.

And if you intend to be in any sort of Government function, including Mayors, Congress, etc, then it is required under any administration to join the forums as that's where budgeting and whatnot is taken care of.

So, we should see a few interesting days. Until then,

UK Reform Party President