Plans in Korea

Day 1,052, 13:38 Published in South Korea South Korea by Sirius Padfoot Black

As some of you may have noticed, but more than likely not, I am running for party president of the Communist Party this month.

My plans for this party are to take Korea back to it's golden days, 6 or 7 months into the past, to when Korea was a growing country on the horizon. To where people were actually contributing to society. To when nearly everybody was beginning, maintaining, or closing a political career.

But where are the people now? Korea is a ghost town, a shade of it's past self. It's a land of sleepwalkers, living a half-hearted routine, if that. Sleep walking our lives away, we are a land of lost souls. We are at war with an internal enemy, one that never rests, because it's a struggle with our own apathy. I want to change that. That is why I'm running for party president.

I want to revive this country to what it should be, and the first step is reviving this Party. Should I win the election, I intend to devote the party to being a party that will listen to everybody. A party that will debate and discuss anything and everything. A party that is open and moving, that strives to get good things done. A party that will question every "truth" we know, in the name of progress. I want a party with Order. A party rebirthing this country from it's ashes like a glorious Phoenix.

I also would like to encourage government transparency. With near to none of our actions being represented in in-game media, we need to be able to let the average citizen know whats going on and this information should be easy to access. If we made it so it was very easy to get informed it would increase our effectiveness, and allow for more people to get involved. Hopefully this will plant the seed to get our activity rolling.

I want to encourage everyone to participate in our government, whether that's a simple nod of the head, or sticking up for your idea against everyone, because you shouldn't suppress your freedom to express yourself. Government is created to represent and protect it's people.

That's why I would like to have a party that welcomes anyone, with any sort of ideas, history, career, or experiences, to come together and work with their peers. So together, we can decide what's best for the country, and together, we act and work toward making Korea a better nation.