Plan responces

Day 642, 17:26 Published in South Africa South Africa by nick jones

sorry about the delay i had to paint a house

1. If you're new here, what drew you to Ajay's party, just as a member, not as a congressional candidate? Feel free to express why you thought the CDA was a great party to run for Congress from in light of all the negative press.
well my friend said it was a good party and i don't mind catching flak for a party choise

2. Since you are new here, what motivated you to run for Congress immediately? Wouldn't it be easier to step back and observe what is going on? For example, how can you know that you would do a better job than those that helped bring this country back?
well i have some angered feelings for the PTO of Germany and how i was unable to stop it and i thought that maybe on this platform here not in Germany would help because i could not have run with any party there because i was hoping to form my own party but i lake the funds and experience that i could get here. i was going to be here earlier but i was unforseeabley grounded so i rushed some things. to the second part i will not be paid off for my vote the people are always first not party policy

3. Can you describe how you would go about restoring economic stability in a country that is basically starting from scratch? Be sure to outline tax policies, resource specialization, and labor force management.
tax managent plan
Income Tax Import Tax VAT
food 5% 10% 5 %
gift 5% 10% 5 %
weapon 5% 10% 5 %
moving tickets 5% 10% 5 %
grain 5% 10%
diamonds 1% 50%
house 5% 10% 5 %
hospital 1% 1% 1 %
defense system 1% 1% 1 %

i would hope to commission a massive diamond mining industry for all skills to support jobs and exports
also put forth massive food and weapons projects as well
the minimum wage would most likely by 1.25 zar at first but as inflation decreases we can increase wages
a shortage of jobs should support these programs
the army and navy divisions will also supplement our workforce by encouraging alliances and involvements in war to have more experienced players and increase our military might