Plan for America - National Policy

Day 248, 07:54 Published in USA USA by Archibald

Welcome to the first of my articles detailing the plans I have for this great country. Here, you will find twice the amount of plans in half the number of words. I would like to begin with ideas for what we can do internally, on a national level.

I believe that we all share a common goal - to make the eUSA a strong country. One way to achieve this is to create strength from within, by promoting a vibrant country that is more exciting for our citizens than the simple 2 clicks. There have been complaints about the media recently, although we are also blessed with some great writers in this country. We also are experiencing the greatest volume of articles being written in our history. What this means is that it is easy to often miss great articles that come along.

My plan to improve our media is twofold. To give our country a sense of identity as well as giving younger writers something to aspire to, one of my first actions once I am elected president will be to announce an Author Laureate, representing the top writer in the country. This position will be an honor but will also carry responsibility, as I will encourage all of our citizens to read the Laureate's articles. Over time, the Laureate will change, and I believe this program will add a great element of culture to our community.

Another plan that ThisGenMedia and I have discussed is the idea of giving our citizens something to look forward to beyond the daily grind. In this regard, we will often highlight interesting ideas and events that we feel are of interest to eUSA citizens. We are also compiling lists of accomplishments and events, that we feel will add character to our nation by promoting our history.

Local Policy

On the local level, I will provide funds and support to our mayors in their endeavors. The federal government will provide funding for hospitals for our regions. I will work directly with the hospital companies and the mayors, so that we have selected locations and are prepared to place hospitals as soon as they are completed.

Also, I would like to support local programs. Mayors can submit proposals to me for plans they would like to implement in their state, and if the idea has merit I will be willing to provide the financial backing to make it happen. Successful programs done in the past include gifting programs, a National Guard weapons program, and many others. I look forward to seeing the creativity that our citizens have in this regard.

As always, feel free to contact me with support, questions, or criticisms. I always enjoy a good discussion. Also, look for upcoming articles on my economic, military, and foreign policy ideas.

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