Pizza the Hut to Leviathann Part II

Day 1,371, 14:13 Published in USA USA by Leviathann

This is an on going pm conversation between myself and Pizza the Hut that he initiated basically telling me that he's butthurt because I don't support him. This is the transcript, uncircumcised for your pleasure.

WARNING: Profanity ahead, lookout.

PtH: [if] you were a real conservative you'd support me

Leviathann: Why do you say that, what do you mean?

PtH: You are not a fan of mine and are in a party that hates me BECAUSE of my RL beliefs. That is why Feds started hating me.. IRC fights over my Christian and conservative beliefs, yet you ally against me, seriously?

Leviathann: Really? I think it's because you are a whiney little bitch that likes to start shit.

PtH: You are no real conservative or confederate you FED TOOL

Leviathann: People might be willing to listen to you if you offer them a constructive argument instead of hurling insults at them. I'm willing to discuss this with you but not until you decide to be decent about it.

I await his reply...

PS: There's no room in eRep for 'RL.' Deal or GTFO.