Pizza The Hut for Galicia!

Day 1,526, 00:04 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut II

I would like to thank SGTRock for agreeing to run me in Galicia. 🙂

As you know, NCP is currently under occupation this month and so we are unable to run many candidates under our party banner so we have to be a bit creative. I have decided to temporarily change parties to run. If you are in the NCP now, remain there so I may distribute voting orders to you in a simple and orderly matter. It is important the New Conservative Party stand strong so we may retake our party in February. If you do not hear voting orders from me, then just move to Galicia and vote for me on wednesday, January 25th!

Also, if you are willing to be a mobile voter, send me a message! 🙂

Pizza The Hut
Leader of the NCP Resistance
Galicia Congressional Candidate