Day 1,014, 19:16 Published in USA USA by rivere123

Now that I have your attention, I'd like to present you with a very clear danger. Who is he? He is a Brit, a puppy hater, and worst of all, a Republican. Who is he? None other than the infamous PRESIDENT SNAKEYES!

Remember this? Snakeyes did it. I swear to Gosh. Really.
As you might already know, two impeachment proposals have been set against Snakeyes and failed by increasingly large amounts. This is terrible.
What does this signal? Dail is turning into a cesspool for support of Snakeyes. Which is bad. Don't ask me why.

Alone in Dail is TD MrConwayTwitty, the beautiful and righteous. I don't know how Mr. Twitty rose through the ranks of greed and partisanship that possess most TDs today, but know that he has done it, and we should all applaud MrTwitty and give Snakeyes a serious thumbs down.

Now I'll stop telling you stuff you already know and get on with it.

We are facing a major problem in our nation today, with Snakeyes yet to be impeached and running for reelection. WE NEED TO STOP THIS MADNESS. For this reason, I am organizing a group of righteous, intelligent, and courageous Irishmen dedicated to help their nation.

What is this group called, you ask?

We are the People for the Impeachment of Snakeyes, Saving Eire Daily (PISSED). We are a peaceful, easy-going organization that wants only to exile Snakeyes and his puppets. Step up and join us now.

Why impeach snakeyes?
Snakeyes is an open heterosexual. This violates our strict code of "homosexual marriage only." If we allow Snakeyes to stay in office, no telling what will happen next... we may even need to shut down trade routes to China thanks to dropped demand of orphan babies if he has his way. What's next, Ireland's fertility rate existing?

If you are heartless enough to disregard Chinese orphan babies, think of the touching story of young Marcus and Thatcher. Thatcher is a young, confident British man and Marcus is a spunky Irish boy. If Snakeyes comes into power, Thatcher and Marcus will be forced to break up, and their Chinese orphan baby Kolshire will be sent back to Tibet. What good can come from this?

And so to begin PISSED
PISSED will begin with a bang. We will declare August Gay History Month and I hold out my hand to Mr Twitty to lead our organization forward to fight Snakeyes on all fronts. As chairman of PISSED, I hereby declare we will support MRCONWAYTWITTY FOR PRESIDENT SEPTEMBER 2010.
If you would like to know a little bit about Mr Twitty, Let's look at one of Conway's greatest works, here:

Quoted from Conway Twitty:
(see article)
😁 Ive seen no tons of gold and where have our partnerships been made?

I love how Twitty acts dumb to lure his opponent, which is Karl for some reason, into a false sense of security by ignoring the MPP opened against Russia for America, which is a heavy accomplishment for Eire.
Quoted from Twitty:
(Consult Twitty's article for logs, they make thi s ahwole lot better)

😁 Taxes mainly proposed by Dáilsmen who he calls idiots.

Here Twitty goes again, still trying to lure his opponents into security by criticizing himself by declaring gold was raised, though he had earlier said "I've seen no tons of gold." Perhaps 100 isn't enough for Twitty to be considered "a ton." Perhaps Twitty wants to what his predecessors did and MORE by raising 200 gold! All the better reason to elect Twitty president.

A quote from Twitty:
(Logs, disrespecting a rule. Consult the article for this log.)

😁 As Minister of Finance doesnt he have to deal with the Dáil to do his taxes ???

Because Dail isn't full of idiots! Is Kavrocks the kind of man you want leading your finances? Is he?

Quote from Twitty:
(see article)
😁 The people want war !! And just blames Snake as he does constantly. Also could he not have initive and see if he could get the people one without being instructed to do so. He could check about it and then enquire to our President

With the UK fresh out of Dublin, now more than ever we need war! We need revenge for the defeat in Dublin, even if it means getting beat again!

I would like to thank Mr. Twitty for breaking the rule against publishing private messages without permission to prove he is a bigger patriot than we know.

PISSED, a gay friendly organization for Ireland.