Pirmas kraujas/First Blood (EN)

Day 723, 06:05 Published in Lithuania Lithuania by Trockis

A flight to the war zone was long and tiring. We were dumped into the stuffy cabin of small military transporter. After plane took-off, I began to explore the environment – there were another 15-20 mercenaries, sitting in the cab. Some sat in gloomy, cleaning their weapons, checking ammo-pockets, others were moving along the music beats, pumping from their iPod headphones. Others were chatting, joking and so on. While we were landing, anti-air rocket exploded somewhere close to the plane, shaking the whole body, but we survived.
We were thrown right into the hell - the horizon, where only the eyes could see, was full of red war glow, people were running around like crazy, transported injured soldiers were screaming.
We met the stocky, middle-aged officer. He dropped an sharp eye on each of us and aske😛 "Are you all paid in advance?" All contractual nodded their heads. "-Then, dogs, move to a light tank and we are going to the battle!", he shouted vigorously, and quickly walked towards an armored vehicle. While proceeding to the front line, I managed to find out, that uprising has erupted in Heilongjiang province and was led by one mad Norwegian with a strange name - Durruti.
Suddenly, armored personnel carrier stopped and through the switchboard we heard officer harsh voice:
-Welcome to hell, dogs, the door opens after 3, 2, 1 ...
Doors opened and adrenaline, machine-gun chatter, explosions - all hit at once. I jumped out of an armored vehicle and rushed towards the shell - strange monument, built for some Asian chief. Intense firefight took place. I managed to see that one of our crew was knocked out with a bullet directly into the eye, all the rest managed to cover somewhere.
I`ve noticed one “fur” (we sometimes call people in Lithuania this way) approached and lied down next to me.
- Who and where from will you be? – shouted to him, packing my ammunition.
- Irmantasas from Sudovia, - he replied, and through the statues legs shoot a solid volley of lead towards the enemy ( http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1942652 ).
-Aye-aye, - I said and with my AWP rifle hunted a poor guy, who recklessly showed off in the building window (damage - 265).
Stay tuned – to be continued...

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