Pirate State-progress report 1.

Day 1,043, 10:48 Published in Czech Republic Serbia by Re_Niew

Dear citizens of Pirate State of Northern Bohemia and last, but not least, CSR,

Our one-day-old country reached some goals today. The leadership managed to solve some problems in connection with economy so i'm proud to say that our companies seem to be ready to launch. Until the launchtime, please prefer capitalist companies in the country.

Besides, I'mm happy to declare that we've found our national anthem, here:

Answering to the MoD of CSR, I insist the right to resist all governmental counsels. We started organising military and we're ready for civil war in the country, but i'm still wondering how do you want to punish us. This will be interesting.

Other interesting military act is that our little and young country launched an attack against eMoon. Thanks God, our first scouts have found nothing in the orb so tomorrow, we will launch a cavalry and helicopter attack on its capital, the Alpha Moonbase. Wish us luck and pray for success. I hope this time tomorrow, I will be able to tell you that we will have colonized the eMoon for the first time in the history.
