Pineapple64 For Parliament!

Day 1,250, 13:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Pineapple64

Hello there fellow citizens of eUK, I’m writing today to show off my manifesto as I seek to be re-elected as congressman in the South East Of England (SEOE).

What you’ll probably be wondering is, what do I have to offer? Well, let me tell you a few things about me:
I have some experience in mostly every area of eRepublik.

- I’ve been a Member of Parliament.
-Previous Minister of Internal Affairs (eNew Zealand)
-Under Minister in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
-Previous Lieutenant Colonel in the British Army.

The only Promise I can make to you is that I WILL do my duty as a member of parliament, Which is activity and participation in debates and votes.

As for actual policies? This is where I stand. I’m a member of The Unity Party. TUP have had a long and noble history. I think the thing TUP are most proud of is our gifting scheme, which allows us to aid new members and get them to level up and strengthen in double-quick time. I believe that without TUP, so many of our younger members would have given up on eRepublik altogether, the UK can only survive if we raise these younger members up to become the leaders of the future. A vote for us is a vote for a better future for all of eUK, our nation is bursting with potential and we need to allow that potential to be reached.

I’m not standing to try win some gold, I’m not standing to boost my ego, I’m standing because I care about eUK and I want to do the right things for it. I firmly believe The Unity Party is the right party for the United Kingdom and I hope you do as well. On the 25th of April, please back me, Pineapple64 to become the congressman for South East Of England and please support TUP as it fixes the United Kingdom.

Thanks for reading.