Phoenix and the Czech Republic

Day 923, 04:45 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Leo Ruby

Well, here I am with another article, this time on foreign affairs and the nature of the Czech Republic in the eWorld, in a slight response to Aldameldo's article here

To summarize: The Czech Republic is in a lose-lose situation.

Why? We are a miniscule nation in between two collosi of Phoenix and EDEN. We are regularly invaded by Poland and Slovakia (our, ahem, “friends”), and PTOed by every country in existence. I might go to sleep living in the Czech Republic, then wake up in Slovakia, go to sleep again, and end up in Hungary; the helps no one except for moving ticket manufacturers, who must be making a bundle selling tickets to irate Czech and Slovaks who find themselves switching countries like a game of musical chairs.

And while I do appreciate Hungary’s help, and I am very grateful for it, the only reason they want to defend us from Poland and Slovakia is because if Poland takes us they can use us as a stepping stone to Hungary. This does not mean I oppose an MPP with them, far from it, but I want you to consider that before I start hearing calls of joining Phoenix; we would still be in the same kettle of fish we in now, Slovakia and Poland attack us, Hungary give us a hand, while across the globe Phoenix is probably attacking some other small nation.

An example would be Sol, the league of small nations. It is a defensive alliance, neutral, and is of no harm to anyone. This has not stopped Phoenix from stealing their member nation’s regions. If we joined Phoenix, then we would be nothing but hypocrites, accomplices to every threat, every PTO, every invasion that Phoenix takes part in and creates.

This does not mean there is no solution to our problem; I can think of several small nations that have done quite well, in particular Ireland, and in future I will detail a plan for the Czech Republic, but for now, the choice is yours: Phoenix, or the Czech Republic.


Leo Ruby