Philosophy with Rob: Congress PMs Day 2

Day 3,479, 14:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Rob the Bruce
This article's in multiple sections, the first one being a borderline incoherent rambling about how congress is effectively meaningless and absurd and I'm surprised that I've not killed myself. If you wanna skip that it's cool, there's a TL😉R at the end of it.

There was a french bloke once ages ago called Albert Camus, who's most famous works include "The Myth of Sisyphus" and cheating on his wife multiple times.

'ere he is:

This absolute madman, in "The Myth of Sisyphus", bangs on about the absurd. Everybody's felt it, it's where you wanna find meaning in the world and life and stuff but just can't friggin do it. Albert here tries to work out if realisation of this state means you should just kill yourself.

Through a load of dense as hell writing that's near incomprehensible the whole time tbph, he works out that you can't actually find any meaning without jumping to something weird like you can't see (God n stuff), so existentialism is basically out of the window and you're pretty much never gonna find any meaning in life, ever. Which is jolly nice...

So with that in mind, should I kill myself? No, instead the answer is to recognise the state of the human condition (crappy) and continue to live for the bants, seeing effectively everything as absurd and "rebel" against it i.e try to find meaning anyway 'cause it's "fun".

In an incredibly weird turn at the end of the book, Al here then says this logic applies to Sisyphus, a bloke in greek myth who was condemned by the gods to roll a rock up a hill, reach the top, have the rock fall down, then have to start the process over again, indefinitely.

Camus bizarrely says that this bloke is the absurd hero, and concludes that we must imagine him happy. The dude is literally pushing a rock up a hill for eternity. But apparently he's a pretty cheerful dude 'cause he's realised his absurd state. So that's nice 🙂

This logic seems ridiculous when you try and explain it without just copy and pasting the full book (it barely makes sense after you read the book honestly), but the basic idea that I should carry on doing dumb stuff forever, acknowledge that it's all absurd, do it anyway and be happy effectively rolling a rock up a hill for all eternity sounds a bit like trying to make your bed when your bed is on fire.

So intuitively this sounds nuts. I obviously don't do stuff like that. I wouldn't be happy to be punished doing the same thing over and over. I wouldn't be happy knowing that the human condition is absurd. Right?

Well see, I play this game for fun. I've recently opened up the congress PMs. What's been said actually proves I've followed this philosophy the whole damn time.

First off srs bsns complaining about what was blatantly a joke.

Swiftly followed up by a discussion and in depth analysis of a DC takeover of TUP, which happened at least 3 years ago, and has no direct relevance to anything at the moment given DC is effectively a dead entity on the political scene.

In other words, congress is literally doing the same thing it's been doing for over 3 years, we've come full circle and our metaphorical rock has been pushed all the way up the hill then fell back down again, and Paul has began the arduous task of shoving it back up. This in effect, is a great metaphor for the absurdity of the human condition.

I have witnessed the true absurd in the form of folk holding grudges about petty personal matters as though they contribute to things on the macro level. They have done this for years, I have observed, I have realised the absurdity of the congressional condition, but I live for it anyway and continue to try to make something decent out of it when potentially that might never be found. And I have also rejected killing myself.

In short, Albert Camus was right and at the moment this one aldulterous frenchman's ramblings are the only thing keeping congress together, so...


With that possibly unspeakable sentence now uttered, this weird bit is concluded.

"Look Rob, I've had no idea wtf you've just been on about for the past 7 or so paragraphs, please just give me a coherent congress update" - You, probably


1. They're debating minimum wage right now:

Group Dave:

Group Keith:

2. So far 2 MPs have took the time to compliment me and then do absolutely nothing else:

Interestingly, both were in group Dave and one message was directly after the other.

3. The word "Wayne" has been used in group Dave 9 times. Meanwhile Wayne himself has used the word "I" only twice.

Only once has the word "Wayne" been used to address Wayne directly, the other 8 times were congressmen talking about him as if he weren't present.

4. A bunch of dudes have now accepted my friend requests, so new PMs will be made tomorrow.

Highlights from that will be BigAnt being added to the group with Madelina while Prince Harry. will be added to group Dave which contains Wayne. Both groups will have to contain Paul Tyndale because cabinet.

Should be interesting. And no I'm not making them tonight, 2 PMs in one day is gonna make people (Wayne) whinge.

Thus concludes your updates.

-Steal the drinks