PH9 Selection 968

Day 968, 18:34 Published in Portugal Portugal by PHuSiOn9

Today, It will be me providing news as well.
This I believe is a newspaper for readers, for those interested in the eWorld in general and in quality content, enjoy. Why English? Well, its good for me to practice it and well maybe one day this will go international (certainly not). Also the translations will be set default for English, I encourage the use of Google translator in foreign papers, its not so bad 😛, no wait, I encourage the reading of international newspapers, never mind the Google fanatic thing.

Some of the news will NOT have follow up (like the titanium debate Canada/USA), because I believe if you have interest on it you should also subscribe to the newspaper I refereed and maybe go figure out by yourself what the hell is happening.
For example, daily news reviews articles, I may publish here a reference (like a did already for a Romanian one) but i will not (at least I'll try not to) referrer an similar article from that newspaper, although different content, because I assume if you liked it you subscribe to it in the first place.

Another thing, I'll probably sometimes publish articles that may at first sight not be interesting or particularly good, so why do i refer them? Because of their value as characterization of time, place and event, its a great example todays reference to "Hello Israel !!!" from Joe DaSmoe. There's not much news there, but from reading it, you may understand its context and the large picture. Question it also, for example, question the reason for such migration to Israel of USA citizens, the cultural meaning behind it and possible implications in the future. And read the comments too, that should go without saying.

Also, it will not be common for me to write a lot (on the PH9 Selection Series), I hope this article is an exception, because you know time management and all... now back to the news, this one is interesting (provided by me 😃):

[Portugal] PHuSiOn9, Military Module Release

There is a new date for the release of the military module, Day 972 of eRepublik, that is it if everything goes well, according to the Admin, that mystical thing we believe in.
Also on this subject, the Hospitals and Defence Systems that where in place during V1 will be migrated. Presidents will have the ability to choose where to stablish them.

[Israel] Joe DaSmoe, "Hello Israel!!!"

[Serbia] Minister of Information, Welcome Message

[USA] Security By Obscurity, V2 Company Calculator

[USA] Phoenix Quinn, Quick Reference V2 Formulas

[USA] Gulden Draak, Beating Boredom

PS: Btw, I welcome suggestions, lol, if they are good.
