Pettition for adding eMontenegro !!!

Day 740, 02:09 Published in Serbia Serbia by Robertx32

I made this form becouse i want to know how many people wants Montenegro in eRepubik !
Im writting in english becouse more people can understand ...

This is out flag !

And this is Montenegro on map !

eMontenegro shoud have 3 regions :

-South Montenegro
-Central Montenegro
-North Montenegro

*Im not really sure about the names of the regions so its your choise*

It would look simmilar to this

I think eMontenegro resurses will be :
-high wood
-low grain
-low iron
-low diamonds
-low oil
Becouse Montenegro got a lot of protected parks and a lot of woods !

Questions are


Copy paste it in your browser !

Dear admins , i know you are working hard but adding one country isnt that hard, just tell me what would you do if your country isnt in your favourite game?