Peter Pumpkinhead

Day 375, 16:01 Published in Thailand USA by Korbin King

When I think of the type of leadership a successful country should have, I always think of a song released by XTC in 1992 called "The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead".

The reason I like this song so much is because it reveals the simplicity of a good leader. Many people look up to great leaders in awe of their perseverance and bravery. What these people fail to understand is that leaders of this kind are not the mysterious and complicated people they are made out to be. They are simply people that have recognized principles and values that they find to be worth dying for and will never be swayed to deviate from their course by any form of corruption. People follow leaders that live and die for the mission, plain and simple.

With that said, my goal here is not to elevate myself to the level of truly inspirational leaders. In fact, I will claim outright that I am not one. What I can claim are the following qualities:

Unwavering Integrity - I think my record clearly shows that I can be trusted. Many times in my Erepublik life I have had opportunities to profit from both access to financial power as well as insider information that could have been used for profit...a lot of profit. My point is that Thailand needs time to grow large enough that dictators can be overthrown easily. Until then, the president should be chosen based on integrity.

Good Communication - Unfortunately, my articles, posts and replies to messages can be lengthy. This is because I am rarely satisfied with a short explanation unless it completely answers a question. Having the ability to effectively communicate one's intentions is critical to good leadership.

Team Player - I clearly understand and admit that I have limitations. I cannot and will not try to lead this country by myself. I will need help with economics. I will need to delegate duties to other players or allow those already working to do their respective jobs. There may be existing programs that I disagree with based on personal values, but this isn't MY country. It is OUR country, and I will respect the opinions of others and consider their viewpoints before initiating policy.

Decisiveness - There will be times that our country is split on one or more issues. There may also be times that the entire country will be against one or more of my policies. During these times I will need to make a decision. I will never base my decisions on popularity. I will always base them on my assessment of what is best for Thailand at that given moment. As always, these types of decisions will only be made after listening to all sides of the issue.

Transparency - I have yet to learn of any government activity that needs to be withheld from the public unless it involved military strategy during a conflict or an equally sensitive criminal investigation. So unless we are at war or hunting for criminals, you will always know what we are working on as a country. Our citizens are not children (even if some of them are only 13 years old). We all have a stake in our success as a country and should be treated as such.

My positions on specific issues:

Taxes - Low Income Tax and VAT; High Import Tax for all industries that have strong native resources. Low Import Tax for industries that don't thrive domestically.

Minimum Wage - I am against having one so it should be as low as possible.

Military - To be used for defense only.

Social Programs - I will only "spend" tax money on programs that make Thailand stronger defensively. I will only "loan" tax money to people that have a good chance of paying it back to the treasury. I will only "invest" tax money into ideas/programs/companies that will provide a good return to the treasury and therefore the people of Thailand. I will never "grant" tax money to anyone.

Economic Policy - This is my weakness and I will rely heavily on various economic advisors that have been successful economically in the past. Specifically currency trading and determining return on investment for each vehicle used.

Government Owned Businesses - I think this is a bad idea. However, I will need to look at each case individually in order to understand what the objective is for the given business.

Foreign Policy - Somewhat isolationist until Thailand's population and economic base grow. Once we reach 1000 or so active citizens, it will be time to become more involved with other countries. Of course we should always keep active channels of communication open with all countries. I'm just saying that until we have more to offer, we should not try to become a major player on the world stage. We just aren't ready for that.

Now ask me some questions and give me some opinions.

- Korbin