Personal Column : Day 2024

Day 2,024, 07:09 Published in India Croatia by Ashish Patel

Some members joins my party and starts asking for Gold or Money. I do not like to say such names in public. He says he will be the most loyal person to me, but wait, if I pay him gold to complete his missions. makes sense? sure such peoples will be loyal as long as they are paid with Gold. But unfortunately, we don't need such members. We are better alone, than support members with money and gold who does nothing for the party. I wonder how many newbies gets into eIndian congress. Again, to the haters - I'd just laugh if you compare me, one month old player, to a year old players. Call me newbie or whatever. I'm rising better and easier than you - In my way, In a fun way. I'd just LOL

I do not want to embarrass you. so come with a plan what you want to do for the Party, not what you want from the party. Can you write good articles and give voice to the Party? can you bring new recruits? can you help yourself before expecting party to help you? If Yes, welcome to The Indian Military Party. you will not be disappointed. We pay well, we want to help each member.

Sure we will help you to help our great nation. we will send supplies, money, and even gold to push you forward in strength and finances.

The Indian Military Party promotes discipline, unity and strength. Help us. Support us!

~~Peace, Prosperity and National Security.