Permanent Reunion: The Reflecting Pool

Day 490, 00:31 Published in USA USA by Ananias

Tomorrow, you and I will vote for the individual that we believe will best represent our interests in congress. In all fifty-one regions there is at least one individual that has likely spent hours campaigning, writing platforms and presentations, and is willing to serve for the next thirty days as your voice on the national stage. There are some, like myself, that consider election to Congress the highest of honors that can be received in-game whether by virtue of a single vote or hundreds.

It appears that within the last few months, and especially in the last few days, it has become the standard mode of operation for those that will not accept personal accountability to immediately place fault on the most convenient and high profile group available, and that, for the eUS, is the same group of eAmericans that, state by state, was representative of enough of the constituency to be selected as the standard bearers, Congress.

Congress is our national reflecting pool; they reflect how we see ourselves as a nation.

As we are all are made painfully aware at times, Congress is filled with individuals that are weak in some areas and strong in others. They are not all brilliant economists, or military strategists, they do not all have a grasp of in-game diplomatic nuances, nor do they all have advanced business acumen. They are simply representatives of the state in which they are elected that, somehow, through the plurality of their strengths and willingness to discuss and deliberate issues, are able to govern.

In the last few weeks, I have written several articles seeking to stem the tide of division that we are seeing in the eUnited States of America. One of the divisive issues that I explored early was the divide between beta-giants and v1 boomers, I would conjecture that much of the “blame game” that is occurring daily, with Congress as its target, is predicated on that very divide; with the boomers pointing the finger of blame at the more experienced congressional representatives as “elites” and the beta-giants pointing the finger of blame at the newer congressional representatives as “ignorants”.

The fact remains that, while there are always some political shenanigans taking place, the congressional delegation elected tomorrow will by-and-large represent fifty-one diverse constituencies with fifty-one varying sets of priorities; so, as much as the naysayers levy their accusations at Congress, those that would scream about the elitism or ignorance of Congress by extension, though quite directly, are levying the charges of elitism or ignorance at the voting population of the eUnited States of America.

And make no mistake, the eUSA has changed as a nation, we are richer in diversity and contributors than we were just a few months ago, we are more focused on national success and victory than we were just a few months ago, and we are more willing to serve a common purpose in these United States than we were a few months ago. And as we, as a nation, have changed, so has our Congress.

So, while I will never give up my passion, and focus, to be a uniting influence on our diverse nation for the common purpose of mutual success, and victory, if attainable; I will end the Permanent Reunion series with these words:

There is no limit to what we can accomplish together, if we do so for the pleasure of accomplishing it together, rather than seeking only to receive credit or to place blame.

Please vote tomorrow for whomever you feel will best represent you in the Congress of these eUnited States of America.

Thanks for reading, I appreciate your time.