Perfidious Albion

Day 598, 20:51 Published in USA USA by NXNW

One of the most astounding events in my time on eRepublik was the recent announcement that the UK, through a charade training war, has permitted Hungary to seize Scotland and potentially use it as a platform for an attack on Canada. This development is very thought provoking. Why would the Brits turn on their old allies and aid an old foe? The purpose of this essay is to review two prevailing schools of thought as well as describe a third possible motivation.

Accommodation: Some observers believe that the UK has embarked on this course of action to forestall a PEACE invasion. By renting out territory in exchange for face saving infrastructure (Q5 Hospital) the UK could maintain its territorial integrity and could also claim that this decision was in accordance with their new policy of neutrality.

Collaboration: Other knowledgeable individuals have reached the conclusion that this betrayal is the UKs price of admission to the PEACE alliance. The UK has already allied itself with Italy, a leading member of the PEACE GC. If it is true that the UK seeks entry into PEACE expect to see units of the eBritish military fighting alongside their new continental friends.

Imperial Dreams: While this may seem far fetched it is possible that there is a deeper game afoot. Imagine a scenario in which PEACE forces were able to seize several Canadian and American regions. The citizens of these countries would not react well to PEACE occupation. It is hard to imagine a large number of Canadian and American citizens developing a taste for triumphal PEACE media. Perpetual resistance wars, and in this scenario there are many who would resist, would make any occupation a phyrric victory. The UK could acquire an empire on the cheap by playing on shared language and culture and offering to act as an “administrator” of occupied territories. These protectorates would of course never be returned, despite the hollow promises of perfidious eAlbion.

This final scenario is of course based on the assumption of PEACE victory but considering the eUK just threw away a significant amount of goodwill for the paltry boon of a Q5 hospital it is as legitimate as any other prognostication. The events of the coming days will at the least be eventful.