People's Revolutionary Soviet

Day 793, 23:01 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

Presenting...... the People's Revolutionary Soviet (PRS)!!!. A brand new party to challenge the status quo and provide a different way to play eRepublik!

Here is a short, basic manifesto:

People's Revolutionary Soviet (PRS)
Far-left; anarchist

Manifesto of the PRS:
DISCLAIMER: it should be noted that these are policies as I believe should be implemented in eRepublik and in no way suggests my/our real life believes many of which run directly contrary to what is written below.

1. Revolutionary government

-There should never be a moment when the government isn't striving to improve the system. We believe in constant reform as the only way to keep a nation healthy.

2. Nationalism

-While we recognise the importance of our allies, we are also aware of the fact that eRepublik is a game meant to be played among nations. Right now, the world is divided into alliances, which goes against the spirit of the game. We strongly support the Brolliance, but advocate immediate withdrawal from EDEN; this is not to say we can not still be allies with most of its member nations if they so wish, but alliances merely bog down our national interests and self-determination.

3. Intellectualism and culture

- We support government funding to organisations such as the WGC (and also their being separate from the government yet entitled to land ownership on the forums) and any other organisations that foster cultural and intellectual growth in eCanada. We also support the Canadian University and believe that the government should expand it and pay for its advertising.

4. Meritocracy

We believe that the best of the best should be the ones with power- what you know and how you apply it, not who you know or what your affiliation is. In this, we strongly support the foundations set by The Adult Party. We also believe in the absolute necessity of citizen participation for a meritocracy to work. Therefore, extreme and full transparency is the only way our country can function.

5. Free market

We believe in the free market system in eRepublik as it creates another aspect of the game, separate from war. However, the government- as the only centre of eRepublik society, economy AND military- should have a share of the system as well. Therefore, contrary to our name which is just a way to scare away people who haven't read our platform, we endorse a social democratic/regulated market.

6. Military and War

It goes without saying that war is the single most important PRACTICAL element of the game. However, we also believe that as merely a war simulator, eRepublik is insufficient. Therefore, while spending should still go overwhelmingly to the military, we also believe in fostering other areas of growth in our society. We also support non-governmental para-military groups such as the CPF army and CC. We do not have any real life ideologies whatsoever. However, to confuse the people who haven't read the article some more; here is a link to the Soviet anthem:

So join the PRS (only nominally affiliated with PMS) today, comrades! JOIN FOR CHANGE (real change not that Obama crap).